cheap meals from the great depression

Place on an ungreased baking sheet. 48. They took a small amount of the meat they were serving for supper and made a nice soup. Fun fact: It's called "Navy Bean Soup" because it was considered a staple food of the United States Navy in the . I take advantage of the Meijerbuy 10 get the 11th one free offers PASTA!!! If you brown the butter, it changes the taste of the white sauce. Love butter bean soup. Cuban black beans. I was raised very poor with parents born in the 1920s. If you chose to use beans in this recipe, then you can add a can of beans on top of the carrots. Nice sized ones. To understand how citizens survived The Great Depression, you need to understand their resources. Here is a recipe from Cheap Cooking. , Hi Camille, oh this comment makes me so happy! Pinch of salt. Feeding 5 here. Cooked all together. Instead, I make cauliflower rice by grating cauliflower (which I buy on sale) and freeze it in meal size portions. Notify me via e-mail if anyone answers my comment. You can make this without the chorizo to save money. In this video, 91-year-old Clara who lived through the Depressionwalks viewers through the process of making the Poor Man's Meal: Peel and cube a potato, then fry it in a pan with oil and . Im posting this article about Great Depression Meals again today that I wrote many years ago. Hoover Stew. It helps me to repurpose my leftovers into other meals. Some of it I freeze, some I can. Porridge for breakfast oats go a long way! 81. We are vegetarians here (my husband strays from that occasionally-LOL) but I found The Gentle Chef website: who has many recipes for turning vital wheat gluten into meats that are quite good. My family hasnt noticed. Usually just quoting the policy is sufficient to get the item price matched. For those who think the Spam is too expensive, Check your local Dollar store for Treat It should be right next to the Spam & I cant tell the difference. Fish patties (salmon or tuna, bread crumbs, lemon juice, mustard, onion, egg. 24. That certainly doesnt go very far. Again, I make my WalMart run and freeze the milk. Then, slowly whisk in 1 cups of milk until the mixture begins to thicken and boil. 1 cup sugar. We buy ground turkey at our local Aldi when we are out of meat. Have you ever seen that fog that rolls down and out when you open the door? In the stores, the cosmetic counters normally have samples of things. Then I freeze several containers for later meals. I also use the big oven app, it has a search function that allows you to put in an ingredient then it will pull recipes with that item. Stretches the noodles and the eggs. People at the time were forced to find cheap and creative ways to use food efficiently, resulting in some dishes you may not think of making today, but that was what the resources of the time . We ate lots of beans and Mexican rice. As each item rings up shell tell the checker the adjusted price, the checker keys it in, no big deal, takes hardly any extra time in line. When the bag is full, veggies soup! Then we eat all we can and can or freeze the rest. My Mom and Dad grew up during The Great Depression. It made sandwiches for my husbands lunch all week, then I made broth and turned that into noodle soup. Her mother hated mayonnaise & it grossed her out! Its easy to freeze. So I would include lots of fresh veggies and salads. Freeze for later use fry up when needed. These dishes show just how inventive our ancestors could be! Im so sorry! (Half beans to the amount of meat, can always add more beans). Share this post. Red beans and rice with half a pound of sausage add a few spices costs about 6 bucks and feeds my family for 2 days. If not, it is worth it to purchase several Sunday papers for the coupons. We also shop Aldis, just be careful and know your prices at other stores. When we have leftover veggies of any kind, if it is not enough for another meal, I freeze them, then add to a bag of other frozen veggies. THREE meals out of ONE chicken! She could get hot dogs and slice them up and add garlic, tomato sauce,and water and make the most awesome casserole ever. We do a lot of these including using beans. Anytime were making something wit. Ah, soup: the ultimate comfort food. We buy meat in bulk, so most of my purchases are for perishables only. Im really hoping to teach the world to stop going to drive-throughs and fast food places and cook from scratch. Pinch of salt. broth, to add extra flavor to pasta, rice, or veggies. Full of fiber, this dessert serves as a filling end to a meager meal. I buy most meats marked down. 50. It stays good for months. Carrots are the same. Hi JMarsh, you had a rough life growing up as I did. Thanks for the article. Peanut/almond butter and jelly on toasted Daves Killer Blue Seed Bread makes an awesome lunch! Another great (old) book if you can find it is How to Make All The Meat You Eat Out of Wheat by Shandler (my favorite). Ramen noodle packages are not considered food in my house. If you have the time and want to really make your family feel special you could make a little jello and top it off with a small teaspoon of cool whip. We bought a commercial quality food sealer and use it daily to seal up leftovers, both for freezing and just for in the fridge, to cut down on waste (and its REALLY worked well). Buying cheap and using coupons. I remember my mom making salmon cakes. The best ones went for dehydrating and the rest for apple sauce. For that reason, little was ever thrown out. 7. Ok. THEN, leftover chicken gets turned into a chicken and rice soup! They do meatless recipes. Here are some recipes that were actually used during the Great Depression. 13. That time also showed me where I stocked well and where I lacked, plus what I didnt touch, even with no food budget. Today, I will show you a cheap meal from the Great Depression. I still make a lot of beans because they are high in fiber and protein and depending on how you make them, low in fat. toes. Meatballs (ground meat, bread crumbs, egg, ground up veggies, leftover cheerios or other low sugar cereal I use 1 part meat, 1 part bread type stuff, 1 part vegetables. (every Wednesday is fish, every Friday is pizza! 40. How can families feed themselves? 26. Okay, lets see I do peel some veggies, but I use those peels to make my broth taste better (ie broth is made of carcass and onion skins and potato skins and carrot skins, etc, giving it a HUGE nutritional punch). You can make a white sauce with water (to save on milk), once you have a white sauce you can add any seasonings to add flavor and then add something like chipped beef, chopped leftover bacon from breakfast, canned chicken, leftover roast or just the sauce over rice. Food Storage Matters-We Must Be Self-Reliant. My Facebook question: Please share any ideas about what you are eating or serving your family to save money. I dont think those meals are great depression meals anymore. Mix until smooth. Home made soups, pot pies, casseroules, fresh oven breads and pasteries, fermented foods like yogurt and kraut, pickles and relishes, canning. There was only one "R" out of "reduce, reuse, and recycle" during the Depression, when anything you had in your possession could be pressed into duty for a completely different purpose at any time. Goulash: Jen L. suggested a pound of pasta, 1 pound of ground beef ( or ground meat of any kind), and a can of tomatoes or sauce. Therefore most of our meats, fruits,and veggies are canned in jars. 11. So if you live in an area that that is possible & have a few like-minded families, sit down & work out the details. 60. I cannot remember the last time we had ground beef. Drinking. Freeze for later use fry up when needed. We ate our share of lettuce sandwiches with miracle whip. He was mostly paid for food, eggs, a turkey, whatever they had to give him. Vitamins were a relatively new discovery during the Great Depression; scientists discovered them in stages, starting around World War I and continuing . We actually ate a lot of beans when I was a kid because they were cheap. 25. We are hunters. I did a little the other day. We buy wheat berries rather than flour and grind our own. I freeze everything I can, including bread, milk, pizza dough. What varied between households and over time was the quantity and quality of each of those courses, especially . I'm really excited about this one because I actually grew up eating this Great Depression meal. We are our own meat processors. What a great list! Old, injured or male birds are dinner. A side salad and some saltines. Free meals. Even squirrels and rabbits were consumed .The people of the Depression Era were struggling to buy food, so foraging was a good way to help put food into their family's mouths. We make it once a month in a huge s. tock pot. These were featured in cookbooks and magazines of the time and promoted the use of cheap foods, often consisting of filling items like soups, noodles, and beans. Weeding and bug picking were my first jobs. But, I know that I was taught a lot of frugal things and how to work HARD, and be an ANT, not a GRASSHOPPER! Another favorite is a piece of toast, fried egg on top and hot milk poured on top. No money for luxuries. Down in Louisiana, there is a Creole version of the dish. Nutrition over taste was the golden rule when food got scarce during the Depression, and money was hard to come by. ), then went and did the shopping. When we lost our food budget for two months, I turned to boil a whole chicken and shred the meat to use in many meals. I am sharing responses on this post from real people just like you and me on how they are trying to cut food costs. Save all your vegetable scraps to make a good stock base for any soup or stew. Honestly, I like it best without chorizo. Simple baked potatoes with butter and salt and pepper are filling and cheap. Potato Casserole. Kool-Aid was cheap, simple to make, and easy to store. Oh yum, I must make this sandwich now. Fried rice (leftover rice cooked in bacon drippings with whatever veggies need using up). I just watched Food Inc. on Netflix. From hearty stews to creamy soups, there's something . Life is good, stay well my friend! Copy link. You can stock and it will take a little time. I can hardly wait to work in my garden. 53. This article was interesting & a little funny because I didnt know they were depression era menu items. Recipes from the Great Depression. This year, I canned (in mason jars) 61-pint size jars of deer meat, about 40 jars of pork (wild hogs) and a few jars of chicken broth. 10. I make huge batches and freeze the extra. I think that I spend too much in search of ingredients. I fry ground beef, use the grease to make a gravy and serve on toast. EatingWell - Danielle DeAngelis 8h. Make EVERY meal count. Shutterstock. This filling dinner, described as a recipe that "came out of the hard times of the Great Depression," works as an easy way to use up leftovers. Linda, something my mom done as i was growing up was take leftover ham dice it add it to cooked beans(1 lb dry red, navy, pinto etc.) (Some of my family & friends Swear by one or the other). 2 tbsp of cold water. This meal was a popular menu item at soup kitchens in the US and was named after President Hoover, the 31st American President who sat in office during the early years of the Depression. The savings are HUGE! Processing meat is really not that hard to do. Dont you just love memories, this one? Sunday's special cookies and a cup of coffee for the adults were among the most popular weekend breakfasts. I have bought a half gallon of OJ there for 50 cents and a FLAT of strawberries with nothing wrong with them for 2$ (0.25 a quart). Chicken for a chicken veggie soup, beef for a beef veggie. I guess we are fortunate. We buy food at a scratch and dent store. "This recipe goes back to the Great Depression," says impellizzeri kitchen. 8. I also found a different bread recipe that used fewer ingredients so we could have bread. You can always slow cook enough soup for a couple of days. The Penny Restaurants of the Great Depression. Invite the family over. People made comments that they are eating many of those meals today. We call it Eraser Gravy. Wow! My parents were born prior to the First World War and came as immigrants for a better life. But, during these lean years, some eateries offered much lower prices for their meals: only 1 penny per item. Toast with mayo, sliced onion, pepper, and fried egg over medium. Save the chicken bones and boil them up to make soup stock. Learn to preserve what you grow. The place I go to is American Discount Foods. Linda. I also do a lot of my shopping at Aldi or the Amish bents and broken store. Food Storage Moms, LLC is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Simple baked potatoes with butter and salt and pepper are filling and cheap. Prices are half and more off. When you cook meats you often find fat at the bottom of the ban. 69. They didnt sell it in the stores and you had to ask for it. These are pretty much the easiest items to grow. I was really skimpy on the meat, but Ive always liked that ratio better. You almost need to take out a loan to buy meat for, Here is another saver. Tastes ever so good as leftovers too. The extra garden raised food shared with the elderly couple that owned it. Salivating. I work for a big feed and grain company and get screening free so I raise a couple or 3 hogs a year for nothing. In 1937, when the United States was in the throes of the Great Depression, Kraft Foods launched the iconic Mac and Cheese. Also, I do one month worth of grocery shopping at a time. My sisters and I would let the flour tortillas sit out and get hard. meals and bone broth from that eating a lot more eggs finding creative ways to stretch out pasta, rice, and potatoes. Cheap and healthy meals. Porridge for breakfast oats go a long way! Hot dogs and baked beans - staple at scout camp. Prepared mashed potatoes are served with an egg-filled ham cup on top and drizzled with a Hollandaise sauce for extra richness. Learn to prepare what you grow. Bean soups were a staple of Depression Era recipes, as beans are a cheaper protein than meat, and you can toss whatever leftovers you have on hand into the pot. Recipes varied, but usually involved hot dogs, canned vegetables, and pasta or macaroni. I buy 1/2 cow and a 1/2 pig from a local farmer the freezer was worth the investment yes its expensive up front but does the math its cheaper the long run and its local fresh and so much cheaper than the store in the long run. Favorite flavors were cherry, grape, lemonade, and tropical punch. When I shop, I look for bargains. You can use it to replace butter or oil in many recipes. Fried egg sandwich. In the early 1930s, scientists at Cornell University came up with milkorno, an inexpensive food to feed the Depression-hit masses. The only thing you need are apples, sugar, cinnamon, and some butter. It can be done, but its hard work. My friend made it yesterday, Im making it for dinner tonight! I sat down and made a menu up for a whole month. This is a tip I got from someone else-at Halloween. 13.8K. Bake at 350 degrees until golden brown, 12-15 minutes. While we do sometimes buy bread, I make our buns and sweet bread. You can add oatmeal to hamburger meat, then cook it. Hi Shelly, oh how wonderful your daughter is using this article!! We have a garden and I now dry and powder a lot of greens to add to smoothies made with my frozen discounted yogurt. Eat a lot of casseroles because it doesnt require as much meat. Its quite a bit cheaper. Im also learning something, thanks. 265. To save money while feeding 11 people we make chicken and noodles using turkey instead of chicken. In fact, I pretty much make all my bread and pastry items from scratch so I never have to go to the store. My grandmother made Top Ramen once a week for dinner with sliced boiled eggs. Bake at 350 degrees until golden brown, 12-15 minutes. 47. I keep a well-stocked pantry of dry and canned goods. Photo courtesy of A Modern Homestead. But through the years, accurate amounts were noted. Frugal Depression Era recipes to help you feed your family for less! I cant remember as a child ever going out to a restaurant. 14. Potatoes baked in microwave. Hoosier Cream Pie. 4 cups water (divided) Small amount of oil, butter, or lard for frying. Thanks in advance! 79. Linda, Hi Alli, its all about saving money on groceries, right??? I was really skimpy o. n the meat, but Ive always liked that ratio better. Drizzle olive oil, salt, and pepper on everything. We use turkey burger from Aldis instead of hamburger not much of a taste difference in our minds. Im so happy youve found us. Hamburger gravy on toast or potatoes: Kami suggested . 56. Did this ever bring back memories! I make my own spaghetti sauce with canned tomato sauce and crushed tomatoes and seasonings. Pasta and rice are great for stretching anything at mealtime. I grew up not poor, but not middle class, either. Made from fried potatoes, onions, and hot dogs, this mixture was then topped off with canned corn, canned peas, and stewed tomatoes. Said it tasted like eggs so they ate it. We raise all we can. 38. Slowly add the cornmeal mixture to the boiling water, stirring to avoid lumps. When my 22-yr-old granddaughter was little she loved mayonnaise sandwiches (she called them ham-maise sandwiches). Next week Ill bake cookies. 13. Today I went to Sams with a friend & picked up some good deals on meat. We use turkey burger from Aldis instead of hamburger not much of a taste difference in our minds. 1 16 oz jar sauerkraut ( do not drain), 2 large shredded potatoes,1 shredded onion then she made a brown gravy to use in it it is thick good the first day better the second as the flavors blend you may have to add beef or pork broth to keep it from scorching or sticking to your pan or crock-pot ( I use 2 packets of brown gravy mix as I cannot make a decent gravy to save my soul just mix it as per instructions and pour into the pot) I always add the extra broth to mine. Then we would pour Karo syrup over them in order to h. ave something sweet. Most of our meals were meatless. "My large Italian family gathered in the kitchen and tried many ways to prepare Sunday dinner on a tight budget. It saves a lot of money when Im not buying prepackaged food. They foraged. She saves a fortune this way! Also, if I dont see any marked down meat, I go to the meat counter and ask if they have any marked-down meat or yesterdays grind hamburger. If I make a huge pot of stock I freeze it in ice cube trays then pack them in plastic bags. Pasta is always our cheap go-to meal. I buy most meats marked down. It's definitely worthy of any party, even almost 100 years after its creation. Everything I cook is served over either rice or potatoes to stretch it. Hoover Stew Recipe; 8. The one thing I will tell people who want to start growing their own garden is to start small and grow what your family likes to eat. This is good for making mac and cheese, Cream Chipped Beef and even gravy. 1 Corned Beef Luncheon Salad. Eggs and milk (hormone free) are less at Aldis! 6. I make noodles as a side dish often. Potatoes were a staple, and according to Clara Cannucciari, an elderly woman who runs the YouTube channel "Great Depression Cooking," one popular dish was called the Poor Man's Meal, which consisted of potatoes combined with hot dogs (also cheap) and onions, chopped and fried up. Besides, working in the garden or feeding & watering etc. I keep a well-stocked pantry of dry and canned goods. My mom told me her mother-in-law showed her how to make this dish, which became popular during the Depression, on their "get acquainted" visit in 1927. 1 lbs of dry pinto beans. From these, I substitute for chicken in many recipes. When I buy meat, I buy it only on sale, and I buy enough for several meals and then freeze either portions or leftovers. My daughter is using your article here for a history assignment that she has to complete. This could be served with a small roll or a half of slice of bread. Start with tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, radishes, carrots and green onions. This mean is even better the next day! Twice a year we go to an Amish bulk supply store and buy the basics. I never liked them, but my family did. My family loves this stuff. Again just like it sounds like. This is the question I posted on Facebook to my readers:I need some help here if you are willing to share some ideas. Grace Mannon Updated: Feb. 21, 2023. Shoppers may want to study the price matching policy or even print it out before shopping. You will notice that you begin to have extra money. 75. Now lets save some money! I work in Wyoming once in a while where there arent many and I can find them for $3 /lb. For dinner tonight to the boiling water, stirring to avoid lumps households over. Week for dinner with sliced boiled eggs bread makes an awesome lunch goes back to the store via e-mail anyone! Which I buy on sale ) and freeze the milk adults were among the popular. Than flour and grind our own comment makes me so happy eggs and milk ( hormone free ) less! 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cheap meals from the great depression