imperial shrine bylaws

. . . . . . . . . . 18 Credentials . . 2008, 2021 (b) Mileage. . Representatives Ad Vitam . Amend. . 106 ANNOTATIONS TO BYLAWS.. . . 26 Quorum. . . . . . . . . Amend. For Technical Assistance contact: Noble Maurice Calhoun ([email protected]) PP Wesley Minter ([email protected]) Please follow the login instructions below. . 0000001197 00000 n . . . 340.3Responsibility. . . PROTOCOL OF THE IMPERIAL COUNCIL AND IMPERIAL COURT. . Few months or bylaws as indicated, international bylaws of international bylaws of. . Shrine membership was well over 55,000. . Certificate of Appreciation. (c) Imperial Assistant Rabban and Imperial High Priest and Prophet Amend. . . . . . . Protocol is important for every member of the Imperial Council (AEAONMS) and Imperial Court Daughters. . . (2)The proposal must have attached thereto, an explanation of the. . . . ARTICLE 4 Duration 4.1Perpetual. . . . . . Both are included here for you. . . . . . . . 1976, 1977. . The directors of this corporation are its present directors until such time as their successors in such office shall have been duly elected in the manner and at such times as may be pro- vided in its bylaws; and their duties and responsibilities shall be desig- nated in such bylaws. . . . . 2016 (2)He shall perform any other duties assigned to him by the Imperial Potentate. 2020, 2021 (b) Election of Imperial Officers. . . . . . Each Imperial officer at the time of his election must be a Representative to Shriners International. . . . 43 Colors. 1 RODOLFO 'RUDY' F. NOBLEZA 2020 POTENTATE Al Bahr Shrine 5440 Kearny Mesa Road San Diego, CA 92111-1303 858-292-0092 FAX 858-292-5618 . . . The use of the name Shriners Hospitals is governed by 503.10 of the bylaws of Shriners Hospitals. . In that event, the Board, with the approval of the Finance and Audit Committee, may adopt a budget and make appropriations for current expenses of Shriners International. . . . . . . . . 0000004806 00000 n Convention in New Orleans, LA. . . . . . . . . (l) Revenues means all fees, taxes, levies or other amounts payable to Shriners International, is stated in United States dollars and shall be paid in United States dollars. A proposed amendment to these bylaws may be adopted only upon the affirmative vote of not fewer than two-thirds of those present and voting, and no fewer than 400 of the Representatives registered at that Imperial Session of Shriners International. Such discipline of a Noble by the Imperial Potentate does not preclude discipline by his temple for other offenses. Add. . . ARTICLE 4 Sessions. . . . . . . 2020 Shrine Imperial. . He shall have the right to preside over meetings and sessions of temples. . . . . . This corporation shall not have any authorized capital stock, and the incorporators, or their succes- sors elected to membership in accordance with terms and conditions of the bylaws of this corporation, shall be designated as members (repre- sentatives). . . 28 Chairmen and Their Duties . . . . . . (b) If the board of directors approves, a special session of Shriners International may be held electronically and any or all of the Representatives may participate in the special session by, or the special session may be conducted through the use of, any means of communica- tion by which all persons participating in the meeting may hear each other during the meeting. . 1967 203.1Generally. . . . . . . Free shipping. A proposed amendment may be modified by Shriners International while it is under consideration, but such modifica- tion must be germane to the subject matter of the proposed amendment and it may not go beyond the scope of the proposal submitted under 101.5(a). Bruce Boyette was appointed the develop the bylaws. . 1984, 1992, 205.2Per Diem. . . . . He shall sub- mit them to the chairman of the Committee on Jurisprudence and Laws and the Imperial Potentate, who shall approve or disapprove the form of the revision and annotations within 10 days thereafter. . . 2010 (r) Suspension means a deprivation of all rights of membership. . In addition to the historic action taken by the Representatives related to requiring a masonic prerequisite in Arkansas, Imperial Sir Jeff Sowder was elected Imperial Potentate for the 2019-2020 year. . . . . . . . . . The Imperial Recorder shall print the revision and annotations so they may be inserted in copies of these bylaws and distribute them as directed by the board of directors. . A Representative participating in a special session by this means is deemed to be present in person at the meeting. Amend. . . The possibilities for having fun as a Shriner are endless. . . . . . . Souvenirs or gifts of any kind may not be distrib- uted to Representatives while Shriners International is meeting in Imperial Session. 147 were here. (j) Order means the fraternal society of Nobles operated by Shriners International, including Shriners International, temples and all organizations of temples or Nobles. 11 Offenses and Discipline of Temples . It is incumbent on the senior member present to ensure that there are no deviations or modifications to the approved protocol. . . . . All Imperial officers are Rep resentatives at large. . . . . . . . The seal of Shriners International consists of 2 concen- tric circles between the circumferences of which are the words Shriners International and State of Iowa. The outermost circle is surrounded by stars and crescents, and within the innermost circle is a panther-bodied female sphinx superimposed upon a pyramid and the date June 6, 1876 is beneath it. . A temple is entitled to no more than 4 elected Representatives. . . . . . . (2)They shall perform any other duties assigned to them by the Imperial Potentate. endobj 101.2Arrangement. The Imperial Potentate or the Jurisprudence and Laws Committee may submit proposed amendments for adoption at any time during an Imperial Session of Shriners International, but, if time permits, each Representative shall have furnished to him a printed copy of such amendments at the beginning of each Imperial Session in which they are to be introduced. ARTICLE 7 Directors 7.1. . . . . Amend. . . . . . . In addition to any other Representatives it may have, each temple is entitled to one elected Representative, or 2 if its membership exceeds 300, or 3 if its member- ship exceeds 600, or 4 if its membership exceeds 1,000. . 47, PART IV TERRITORIAL JURISDICTION OF TEMPLES.. . . . 1972, 1999 (9)He shall receive notice of, and may attend, all meetings of the Finance and Audit Committee and he shall receive copies of all records thereof. . 2019 101.4Rules of Order. . . . . . . Shriner 30" Wind Resistant Auto Open Umbrella - Shriners Straight Handle. These jewels shall be owned by Shriners International at all times and shall be returned to Shriners International upon the death of such officer by his heirs, exec- utor, administrator or personal representative. . . . . . . . . . Details Date: March 1 Event Category: All Temples - Imperial Duties . . . . . . 2008, 2021 (b) Mileage. Creed. . 202.5Memorializing of Individuals Prohibited. To uphold all Imperial Council, A.A.O.N.MS, (Iowa Corporation) By-Laws and Shrine Protocol. 11 Offenses and Discipline of Nobles . . 1971, 1974, 1978, 1979, 1984, 2014 (b) Temple Location. . . 2016 (11)For violation of Shrine law or for conduct unbecoming a Noble of the Order, he may suspend any Noble from membership or office in Shriners International or in a temple until the conclusion of the next Imperial Session, or for a shorter time. . . . . . . . . Shriner's Imperial Session 2022 will be held in Minneapolis, MN July 2-7, 2022 honoring. . . . . . . . . . . . 1983, 205.1Mileage Allowance. . 2016 (1)If the officer superior to either of them dies or if a majority of the board of directors determine that the officer superior to either of them is disabled, each of them, in order of their rank, shall act in the place of the deceased superior until his successor is elected, or in the, place of the disabled superior during his disability. . Shriners - Part 13. 2018; Amend. A Representative may communicate directly with the Imperial Potentate. . . . Blank ballots or ballots containing any markings other than the name of a candidate nominated from the floor are not votes and are not to be considered for any purpose. 19 Per Diem. . . . . . . . Training Courses Information. . . . . . . . Both of these locations are easy to get to for most of the Midwest Shrine Centers. . . 41 International Development. . Amend. Amend. . Bylaws (Iowa) (c) Representative. . . . . . . . . . . A Representative may communicate directly with the Imperial Potentate. . . All fundraising is governed by General Orders as may be issued on that subject by the Imperial Potentate. . . . . They organized one in New York in 1872 for fraternal and charitable purposes. . 6 0 obj . In most countries or jurisdictions, such as the United States of America, the position on the right . . . . . . . . . (e) To create and maintain a charitable and educational fund, a representative fund, a library fund, a Shriners International fund, a fund for the purchase, erection, operation and maintenance of Shriners Hospitals for Children, and other benevolences, and any other fund or trust necessary or convenient in carrying out any of the purposes, benev- olences or charities now established, or which may be hereafter autho- rized by Shriners International. . . . . . XfAEF5r+&NIAH&p5 7]4K&/eo=ZPLNvCWUA/F(`vAA+D!'{>>TlSu! . . . . . 22 Duties. . . . The first order of business at each Imperial (a) Declaration. . Rates shall be obtained as of the sixtieth day prior to the official opening of the Imperial Session. . . . Annual Return. Amend. . . . . . . 12 CODE FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF TEMPLES.. . Amend. . . . . . . . Charity Fund Report. . %PDF-1.6 % 0000001571 00000 n . . A Noble or temple shall not engage in improper electioneering for or against any candidate for an Imperial office. When by electronic voting, all information that could be used to identify the voter or how they voted, will be anonymized in all distributions of voting results to all indi- viduals. . . Made with FlippingBook Online newsletter creator. . If a Representative lives outside the state in which his temple is located and nearer the place of the Imperial Session, the departure airport shall be that airport nearest his place of resi- dence which is served by a regularly scheduled airline. . . . . . . 16 Seal. . No travel agencies, vendors, circuses or other commercial groups may be in attendance at an Imperial Session of Shriners International without a contract or agreement from the convention Session shall be the report of the Credentials Committee. . The bylaws shall provide for annual and spe- cial sessions of this corporation. . . Emeriti Representatives . . 11 Compliance with Shrine Law . . . (5)He may issue Special Orders, not inconsistent with the articles of incorporation or bylaws, directed to specific temples or Nobles. 26 21 Board of Directors. Imperial bylaws restrict Ladies from being in a Shrine parade. . Thorough reviews have two of . . . . . . The name of this corporation shall be SHRINERS INTERNATIONAL. Amend. (8)He shall, with the approval of the board of directors, arrange for the prudent investment of all idle current funds of the corporation not needed for immediate payment of obligations under current appropriations. . Imperial officers shall assume this obligation: I, (name in full), do solemnly promise and vow that I will faithfully and to the best of my ability discharge the duties of the office to which I have been elected, and that I will strictly conform to the requirements of Shrine law. 206.5Duties. The indiscriminate distribution, in large quantities, of all kinds of souvenirs, to every one who calls at temple headquarters, is prohibited. 0000407601 00000 n . In fact, if you look carefully at the full name Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine you can rearrange the letters A.A.O.N.M.S. . If an Imperial Session of Shriners International lasts longer than that established pursuant to 204.1, a check or electronic funds transfer for any additional per diem expenses allowed shall be mailed to each Representative entitled thereto. . . . . 0000397404 00000 n . 204.6National Emergency or Declared Disaster. . . . . who understands the mission statement of the fraternity and lives by the Shriners' Creed. Application for Service Collar. . 2018 (e) Hospitals means Shriners Hospitals for Children, a Colorado corporation. . . . They organized one in New York in 1872 for fraternal and charitable purposes. . 2 In case of the retirement of any Treasurer who is a member of this Association, his membership shall advance to his successor upon proper certification by his temple. Kenneth G. "Kenny" Craven of Summerville, South Carolina, is serving his ninth year as a member of the Boards of Directors for Shriners International and Shriners Children's. . . Bylaw. stream (a) An elected Representative who is appointed by the Imperial Potentate to one of the Standing Committees of Shriners International and is not re-elected by his temple shall be an appointed Representative until the adjournment of the next succeeding annual Imperial Session. . Amendments. . 203.5Elected Representatives. . . In 1898, there were 50,000 Shriners, and 71 of the 79 Temples were engaged in some sort of philanthropic work. International Queen Page. 42 Amendments, Alterations or Additions. . . . . The Shriners as Mentors Program (S.A.M.) 21 Oath of Office. Shriner passionately shares his love for being a Shriner to man sitting next to him on plane, who turned out not to be such a stranger after all. . . . . . . . . . . Amend. . . (3)He shall notify all Representatives of all Imperial Sessions of Shriners International; and shall notify all directors of all meetings of the board of directors. . . . . . The members (representatives) of this cor- poration are its present members (representatives) and such additional members (representatives) as may be elected in accordance with the bylaws of this corporation; and their duties and responsibilities shall be designated in such bylaws. . Amend. . . . . . . . . Find a Local Chapter. The order grew rapidly, and soon came to have local lodges, called temples, in most of the states, and also to have a national governing body called its Imperial Council. . . . . . The Imperial Chaplain shall be paid mile- age and per diem expenses as if he were a Representative. . . . . The jurisdiction of Shriners International is that set forth in the articles of incorporation, as amended from time to time. . . . . . . . Official Court Forms. This Statement in its self is a Scary thing to some as read! . thus attaining 23 members. . 0000003249 00000 n . . . . Any Noble upon his retirement from the position of Executive Vice President of the Iowa corporation or Executive Vice President of the Colorado corporation, who has been an employee of the Iowa or Colorado corporation, or a combination thereof, for a period of not less than 40 years, is a Representative ad vitam . . Please let us know if you have any problems, thanks. 2023 Hillbilly Constitution and By-Laws (pdf) Download. (a) Per Diem. Baja california were shriners international imperial bylaws said illustrious sir steve dryden and we can be addressed to? 12.2 Inconsistencies. . . (a) Time, Presentation and Publication. . (9)He shall send annually to each temple a sufficient supply of dues cards, in a form prescribed by him and approved by the Imperial Potentate; and the cost thereof shall be paid by the temple. 2021 340.2Souvenirs. . Upon the recommendation of the Committee on Emeriti Representatives and by a majority vote of the Representatives registered at any Imperial Session, Shriners International may elect as an emeritus Representative any Noble who is a Representative to that Imperial Session and who has been a Representative for at least 15 years, including that Imperial Session. The Shrine has often been called the "playground of Freemasonry.". . . . . with and good fellowship among the Past Potentates of all Shrine Temples in North America at Imperial Council Sessions, stimulate interest in all Shrine activities, establish . (8)Demand and receive such fees and charges for grant- ing dispensations, charters, certificates and diplomas as may be by it determined to be proper and reasonable. . 18 17 ARTICLE 4 Sessions, Mileage Allowance. 40 Shrine Association Charters. . . . . . . Each order shall expire when its stated purpose is effected and, in any event, at the end of his term of office. . . (a) A special session of Shriners International may be called by the Imperial Potentate in an emergency; and he shall call a special session upon the written request of 150 Representatives, at least 85 of whom are members of different temples. . . . The Great Lakes Shrine Association was organized in 1949 and is the 12th oldest Association of the 20 Associations in Shrinedom. . . . Bylaw. . . . 28 Standing Committees and Their Duties. . . . . If the board of directors cancels any annual meeting under the provisions of (a), above, and only one Representative is a candidate for an Imperial office, the board of directors may then elect that Representative to the Imperial office for which he is a candidate. . . . 9.2Amendments. . . . . . (6)Hear and determine all questions of disputes between subordinate lodges or temples and between members thereof. . . We are a non-profit volunteer association under Shriner's International that organizes and runs motorized competitions for Shriners and Shrine Temple units at the Annual Shriners International Imperial Convention typically held in July of each year. 626 0 obj <> endobj The leader of the Imperial Council of Shrine Guilds of America is called the Imperial Maharanee. The parts are divided into articles, which are numbered with Arabic numerals. . . . . . . 208.11 Proceedings before the Grievances and Appeals, Committee . . 2019 (c) Expulsion means involuntary termination of membership. (d) Void Ballot. . A temple or Noble may not vio- late Shrine law. His duties are primarily the caretaker of all money that is brought into and dispersed by and for the Temple and maintaining the reports of all incoming and outgoing funds. 101.9Offenses and Discipline of Nobles. . . Amend. . . . Goals. NECROLOGY . . . . . . . . 3 0 obj . . . . . . Add. Corporate Headquarters . . . . . . . 1980 (b) Qualifications. The objects and purposes of this corpora- (a) To establish subordinate fraternal lodges or temples in such states as it may, from time to time, determine to be appropriate and proper. 26 Books of Account and Records. <>>><>>>] . . . . . . . . . Here is the response of Michael G. Severe, Imperial Potentate, Shriners international:-----November 30, 2011 To the Elected Officers and Nobles of Ahmed Shriners, Elf Khurafeh Shriners, Moslem Shriners and Saladin Shriners: . . . . . The forms appended to these bylaws have been approved and shall be used wherever applicable unless officially changed by Shriners International. . 16 Powers . . 41 Hospital Levy. . . Amend. . . . . 18 Commercial Activities. . 1976, 1995 203.7Forfeiture of Office. . (c) Representative Residence. (b) Other Resolutions Prohibited. 36 Associations of Shrine Clubs in Any State or Combination of States Where Temples Have Been Chartered. Dispensation to open a Temple of the A.A.O.N.M.S. . 1999 (2)He shall arrange for the keeping of all financial records and books of account in the principal office of Shriners International unless otherwise provided by order of the board of directors and approved by Shriners International. . . . . . 2022 Information. . . . . Minneapolis, Minnesota When: July 2 - 7, 2022. . . . . . . . . . . Shriners International is a fraternity based on fun, fellowship and the Masonic principles of brotherly love, relief and truth. . (1)If the Imperial Potentate dies or if a majority of the board of directors determine that he is disabled, the Imperial Chief Rabban shall act in the place of the deceased Imperial Potentate until his successor is elected, or in the place of the disabled Imperial Potentate during his disability. . . No Unit, Club, Temple or Regional Shrine Clown Association may have more than one (1) elected officer in any one (1) year with the exception of the offices of Secretary and Treasurer. . . . 42 Emblems. All courtesies shown in temple headquarters should be limited to Nobles and guests accompanying them. In what might be a first ever, a Shriner won in a Shrine court of law Saturday morning after being unsuccessfully charged with "conduct unbecoming a Shriner." The victorious Shriner had served a year as a temple leader or "Potentate" and had grown . "Being a Shriner has 100% made me a better man. . . They look forward to celebrating the 150th anniversary of Shriners International and the 100th anniversary of Shriners Hospitals for Children with you. A Representative entitled to a mileage allowance shall be paid within 10 days after the close of the Imperial Session by checks or electronic funds transfer prepared from the report of the Mileage and Per Diem Committee: Amend. . . . . 38 Obligation. . . (4)He shall furnish uniform credential blanks to all temples for exe- cution and presentation by Representatives at all Imperial Sessions. . . . . . . . (c) Representative. . . . Amend. Bdl`] !00F0XCf Associations of Shrine Clubs in Any State or Combination of States Where No Temple Has Been Chartered.. . gYpV:+ . . . . . . . . Appointed Representatives . . . 4 0 obj 20 Method and Time of Payment. . . . . Imperial Divan. Application for Past Commandress Degree. 2022-2022 3. . . . If, in the opinion of the board of directors, the exis- tence of a national emergency or declared disaster makes the holding of an annual Imperial Session impracticable, the Board may cancel the annual Imperial Session of Shriners International for that year. (c) Nominations. . . . 44 Checks and Payment or Transfer of Funds. Add. . hb```b`0f`a` @`adXzyqa9ZD23=juuuk srsQj0L+u,wRvIC3L}riJJ^Lh8WmwEF42+G=2h P NN"=W ,%(v10 . . (c) To maintain, control, conduct and superintend any and all charities, benevolences and hospitals now established, maintained and controlled by Shriners International or which may be by it hereafter established. Change of Address. . . . . . -g dd[I mgOaKAr}7440SS ]kf~RI'9\iH?9IOm~o.=o~v[]Nq.^m|8_1bi6\ SCRev{=OzJK|9ZxE-fc6WW3;2*Nu9G.DfAVfEC 3{d)SG,K,K,K,KeFN;t":JYpV:+ . . . 44 Imperial Auditor, Auditing Firm and Audit Reports. . . . . . Bylaws (Iowa) (e) Imperial Treasurer. . D!2| &W]bYeH> ;29h"18uFOvGy Uhc&d)qtVv>fOc9%tySUu+( /E> DLEIEuTX+duh\qYb$"e . Unfortunately, the Elf Khurafeh Shrine and the Imperial Shrine (Shriners International) in Tampa didn't agree and kept the suspended Mason as a full member of the Shrine. . . . . ZEM ZEM SHRINE ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting of Zem Zem Shrine will be held on January 19, 2019 at the Zem Zem Temple, Erie, PA. . . In 2005 BEJA and AHMED Temples and in 2017 Tripoli Temple were granted . . 205.5Method and Time of Payment. . . . . . These bylaws are divided into 4 Parts, which are numbered with Roman numerals. Every proposed amendment shall be referred to the Jurisprudence and Laws Committee, which shall consider it and report thereon to Shriners International. . . . Shriners International Bylaws, 334.12, Contracts for Lodging at Imperial Sessions and Meetings - "After a temple has voted to send units, clubs or Nobles to an annual Imperial Session of Shriners International or a Shrine association meeting, it shall designate one of the official divan as the authorized agent of the temple to make . Mike Kelly, Ziyara ShrinerS (2021 Potentate) . . Membership. a national or state flag as a "state" is defined in 101.3(n) of the bylaws of Shriners International, a temple flag as defined in Article 21 of the bylaws of Shriners International, or the Imperial Potentate's flag. . A regular annual Imperial Session of Shriners International shall be held as soon as possible and practicable thereafter. and Bylaws of the Association. (7)Hear and decide all appeals from the decisions of subordinate lodges or temples. . Amend. . . . Representatives entitled to per diem shall be paid by mail or electronic funds transfer within 10 days of the close of the Imperial Session by payments prepared from the report of the Mileage and Per Diem Committee, based on the length of the Imperial Session as established pursuant to 204.1. . BYLAWS . Add. . . . You'll also find a dictionary of terms . . (b) Time Limit. . . . The elected Treasurer of a Alzafar Shrine Temple has duties that are prescribed by the Bylaws of the Imperial Shrine as well as by his home Temple. My Grandfather is/was a Shriner there and was hoping to get some additional information. . . . . . . . . Any system, even vendor provided, used for electronic voting will be required to anonymize a voters information without the need for intervention. . . 203.4Emeriti Representatives. . . 9.3Sessions. . . . . . . Within 30 days after each annual Imperial Session, the General Counsel shall prepare a revision of the articles or sections amended, deleted, or included, and appropriate annotations. . . . . . . . 20 Imperial Chaplain. . . The elected officers must . . 204.1Annual Imperial Session. (f) To accept and receive gifts, devises, bequests, donations, annuities and endowments of real and personal property, and to use, hold and enjoy the same, both as to principal and income, and invest and reinvest the same, or any part thereof, for the furtherance of any of the objects, interests or purposes of the corporation as hereinbefore stated, or such as may hereafter be authorized. . . 1979, 1986 (g) Emergency. . . By Laws. . . The first Sudan Recorder to be elevated to a position of national recognition. . . The name of the registered agent is. . IMPERIAL SHRINE HEADQUARTERS Physical Address : 2900 Rocky Point Drive Tampa, FL 33607-1460 Mailing Address : PO Box 31356 Tampa, FL 33631-3356 . . . . . . . . (h) To use and exercise all of the powers, rights and privi- leges incidental to fraternal and benevolent corporations organized for purposes other than pecuniary profit, and which are usually exercised by the supreme or governing bodies of fraternal or benevolent organiza- tions operating as the representatives of a system of fraternal lodges or temples. . . . (3)The proposal may be transmitted to the Representatives by regu- lar mail or electronically if any Representative has provided his elec- tronic address to the Imperial Recorder. 2020 204.7Commercial Activities. . Add. . . . Amend. . ARTICLE 10 Amendments 10.1Procedure. . Salaam Shriners, Inc 114 Algonquin Parkway STE 1 Whippany, NJ 07981-1650 Phone: (973) 992-1111 Fax: (862) 210-8064 Opening of the Temple AGENDA: To elect the Officers for 2019 and Four (4) Imperial Representatives and Two (2) Trustees 2018 Membership Report 2018 Financial Report . . 0000006316 00000 n 28 Quorum. (5)The proposal is adopted upon the affirmative vote of two- thirds of the Representatives who returned their ballots to the Imperial Recorder. . 2017, 101.5Amendments. the imperial council bylaws, making the same allegations as those in the civil complaint and asserting that respondents' actions constituted "conduct unbecoming of a Noble of the Mystic Shrine, violat[ion of] Shrine Law and their oaths, and fail[ure] to comply with the By-Laws of the Corps." A Zuhrah Shrine grievance committee was formed. Imperial officers have the following duties and privileges: (a) Imperial Potentate. (3)Constitute new subordinate lodges or temples by granting dispensations and charters under seal and, for good cause, to suspend, annul and revoke the same. . . Becoming a copy on the shriners imperial bylaws after your activity off facebook activity, you to the tools. . The International Imperial Hillbillies was chartered by the Imperial Shrine in Tampa in 1980! Shriners International shall meet annually, at the time and place fixed by the Representatives at a previous Imperial Session. 17 16 16 17 17 17 Annual Imperial Session. . . . SHRINEDOM - The realm of the Shrine fraternity, including its members, governance, programs, activities, organizational atmosphere, etc. x[r8}@v\Z)d'&kk6 IH(BCh~q/$DON7/_W7,d!. wdK\,&{&cXREKq`zPoNV endstream . . 38 37 38 38 Budget. The destination airport is the airport served by a regularly scheduled airline which is nearest to the city of the Imperial Session. . . . ARTICLE 2 . . . . . . 1999 (10)He shall perform any other duties assigned to him by these bylaws or the board of directors. Rules of Order . find a chapter. . . (4)Create, establish and preserve a uniform mode of work and lectures, and to publish and issue the rituals containing such authorized work and lectures. 1983 (10)He shall have an emergency fund of $1,000 from which he, may make contributions in the name of Shriners International in cases of extraordinary distress. He served as President of the Imperial Shrine Recorders' Association of North America in 1972-1973. The Imperial Court, is an auxiliary of female family members of Prince Hall Shriners, and was formally organized at the annual session of the Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, held in Detroit, Michigan, on August 24, 1910. . . . 40 Per Capita Tax . . . The Imperial Divan is the international governing body of the fraternity, consisting of 12 Imperial Officers who act as a corporate Board of Directors. Few months or bylaws as indicated, International bylaws of  { & cXREKq ` zPoNV endstream & `. 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Randy Gardner Obituary, Ticketmaster Order In Progress, Articles I

imperial shrine bylaws