salyut 7 hallucinations

So, in the summer of 1978, Vladimir Kovalyonok and Alexander Ivanchenko, who went into space, noticed an undefined spacecraft flying under the orbital station as if observing the cosmonauts. 27.03 - MU Plus+ Podcast - The Old Switcheroo, 27.04 - MU Plus+ Podcast - High-Res Healing, 29.06 - MU Podcast - Italian Disco Abductions, The Mysterious Men in Black and Their Equally Weird Cars, Lab-Grown Human Mini Brains Are Being Developed for Biocomputers, Strange Accounts of Dwarf Aliens and their Apocalyptic Messages from Mexico, Unknown DNA Found in a Part of a Chilean Desert Which Looks Like Mars, Shamans, Psychedelics, and One Man's mystical Journey in the Amazon to Find a Miracle Cure. The crew thought it might be hallucinations or fatigue from hard work. This was a major achievement: but significant danger lay ahead. Vladimir saw how the UFO became transparent, inside which there was a jet engine that had no artificial origin. Despite a successful first year, research on Salyut-7 was soon stalled by technical issues. 2023 Astronomy Calendar & Observer's Handbook, Artemis: Inside NASAs plan to return to the Moon, Did static electricity not Gus Grissom blow the hatch of the. Its this determination and experience of the engineers, ground control and cosmonauts to keep Salyut 7 flying when previous stations that had gone before were allowed to fail that has been carried over in the ISS which has now been flown continuously for over 15 years by the international community. According to a Russian documentary program made in 2012, the Americans considered trying to capture Salyut-7 in the Space Shuttles cargo bay and bring it back to Earth. With considerable suspense and excitement, Salyut-7, directed by Kim Shipenko, fictionally depicts the remarkable repair of a Soviet space station in 1985. The initial crew consisted of Soviet cosmonauts, Leonid Kizim, Vladimir Solovyov and Oleg Atkov (who served as a cardiologist). The crew thought it might be hallucinations or fatigue from hard work. The stories, accounts, and discussions in this article may go against currently accepted science and common beliefs. . Upon their arrival on the ship, Salyut-7 was again illuminated by a blinding light. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. In this case the entity mentioned is certainly described as an alien of some type, but its sheer size makes it interesting in relation to the space angel phenomenon, and makes one wonder just what it really was this man saw, if anything. Due to the sub-zero temperature, the two cosmonauts donned wool hats and heavy winter coats. Fortunately, the stations rotation rate was manageable. In the spring of 1993, video footage was made showing the movement of a luminous flying vehicle. Just what is going on here? All of its water supplies had frozen. We have only within the last century really begun to comprehend some of its secrets to any appreciable degree, and there are certainly wonders beyond our imagination for us yet to behold. We do not aim to prove nordisprove any of the theories, cases, or reports. To maintain a presence in Low Earth Orbit, the Soviet Space Agency took the decision to fly one more single-launch station, thats a small space station that can be lifted into orbit completely in one launch. Suddenly Salyut-7 was out of contact, with no way of diagnosing what might have gone wrong. Join Us in Tucson for Our Annual Public Star Party! It was time for them to settle in. This understandably unnerved the crew somewhat, although they didnt appear to be in any danger and proceeded with the mission. Gennadys observation lasted about 7 seconds, then the object evaporated. The first crew on Mir travelled in the Soyuz to Salyut, to collect and transfer valuable equipment: the only time a station-to-station crew transfer has taken place to date. There were approximately 20 windows with shades on the Salyut 7. Whats more, these events happened on two separate occasions, removing the possibility they were victims of some freak visual occurrence. With the station back up and running, the crew of Soyuz T-13 was no longer on a rescue mission. Once the crew had replaced the battery and sensor and further adjustments to the out of alignment solar arrays made in August, Salyut-7 was saved and continued to support missions for a further year. [2] Aside from the many experiments and observations made on Salyut 7, the station also tested the docking and use of large modules with an orbiting space station. During a long, slow approach to the station, Dzhanibekov and Savinykh noticed that Salyut's solar arrays were no longer aligned with each other or the Sun, further confirming the severity of the damage. Workers in the TsUP (the Soviet version of NASAs Mission Control) noted that an overcurrent had tripped a circuit breaker, which shut down the station's primary long-range radio transmitter. The unprecedented scale of these repairs was impressive, but Salyut-7 faced a much greater challenge ahead. It jettisoned its recovery module on 23 August, and re-entered the atmosphere on 19 September. It involved a series of four crewed scientific research space stations and two crewed military reconnaissance space stations over a period of 15 years, from 1971 to 1986. Soviet spacecraft usually depended on an automated docking system, but that relied on computers aboard both vessels being in constant communication with each other. The film was released in Russia on October 12, 2017 by Nashe Kino in RealD 3D.[3]. The three cosmonauts rushed to the portholes, almost blind from the brightness that flooded into the space station. In June 1984, on its 155th day in orbit, the three crew members of the Salyut 7 suddenly reported a bright orange light around the space station. McClelland claimed that others had seen the incident too, and that they had been told to keep quiet about what they had seen, meaning that he had sat on this hauntingly bizarre experience until after he retired. After the station was returned to service Vladimir Dzhanibekov remained on the station for a total of 110 days. Hallucination or not? One way or another, people will find out about it in the future. Blinding Light. They connected them to the solar panels, and by using the Soyuzs thrusters, they moved the entire station to properly align it with the Sun. With delays to the Mir programme it was decided to launch the back-up vehicle as Salyut 7. A failed docking could cripple the Soyuz, stranding the crew in orbit, if not killing them outright. placement: 'Mid Article Thumbnails', Abandoning Salyut-7 had its own risks, because nobody could predict what the capricious computers might do. . Activity Log Once the batteries were replaced, the station started charging them, and warmed up over the next few days. Respect other views and opinions, and keep an open mind. Both radio transmitters (primary and backup), as well as the stations radio receivers, ceased to work. Salyut 7 on Pluto TV | Documentaries | 2hr | At the height of the Cold War, a Soviet space station spun out of control. One later report stated that the entities appeared to acknowledge their presence inside the space station, even smiling at them. Dzhanibekov and Savinykh, however, had the advantage of a fully functioning Soyuz spacecraft, which could ferry them back them Earth at any time. The fact that you are reading this article, however, is proof that none of these have yet proven to be true. So what in the world did the cosmonauts of the Salyut 7 see? At least do a little bit of research and you would have found that. Plus, the cosmonauts were working in Earth orbit, while Apollo 13 astronauts Jim Lovell, Jack Swigert, and Fred Haise were fighting to get home from the depths of cislunar space. In the fall of 1990, astronauts saw a certain silvery ball in the Earths atmosphere. The only launch of Challenger concurrent Soyuz T-13 was STS-51-F launched on July 29, 1985; well after the Soyuz T-13 crew had completed their primary emergency repairs. This was also the day that the group reported strange lights and beings. Auditory hallucinations happen when you hear voices or noises that don't exist in reality. Salyut-7 launched aboard a Proton rocket on 19th April 1982, and on May 13th the first crew launched to rendezvous, beginning a mission that would last a record-breaking 211 days. At least do a little bit of research and you would have found that. It covers strange, mysterious, unexplained, and astonishing news. Learn how your comment data is processed. Making matters worse, the interior of the station rapidly lost heat, eventually reaching a frigid, yet stable, temperature of about -4 degrees. [6] Jean-Loup Chrtien who flew on both Franco-Soviet and then later Franco-American space missions, serves as the inspiration for the French astronaut sent on the American mission to recover Salyut 7 in the film. Certainly ranking among these mysteries is a curious close encounter between some of the first people in space and, well, something else. The engineers had to come up with an entirely new set of docking techniques. Also, every Soyuz reentry takes place on land - although Soyuz craft are designed to land in water in an emergency, there was no plan to splashdown in the Indian Ocean as the English dub of the film suggests. Mir, the state-of-the-art orbital facility in development, was delayed and still six years from launch. Based on actual events. The #Salyut 7 Incident - Space Hallucinations, Or The Watchers? However, the evidence disappeared after the events were declassified. The first attempt to launch Soyuz T-10 was aborted on the launch pad when a fire broke out at the base of the vehicle. Although Salyut couldnt be scooped up and carried back to earth, it was far too valuable to just abandon. Again the reports spoke of these strange glowing angel-like creatures seemingly being aware of the crew even smiling at them. For each frame, their own shooting systems were developed, different suspensions and mounting methods were used to realistically show interaction with objects in zero gravity and to ensure a smooth transition to computer animation. The story is based on the Soyuz T-13 mission in 1985, part of the Soviet Salyut programme; it was the first time in history that a 'dead' space station was docked with, and brought back into service. With the U.S. getting ready to capture it with the Shuttle, Soviet astronauts raced into space to salvage it in one of the most daring missions in the history of space exploration. The crew of three aboard the Salyut 7 all then allegedly looked out of the portals to try and see what was causing this inexplicable brilliant glow. So, although a crewed rescue mission to Salyut 7 was a dangerous proposition, if successful, the Soviet's would save both time and money as well as face. Some even claim these strange beings to be nothing less than actual angels. Would love your thoughts, please comment. We publish books on both Kindle and paperback. The Soyuz was fitted with a laser rangefinder and the crew took night vision goggles in case they had to dock on the night side. Between 19 and 22 August 1986, engines on Kosmos 1686 boosted Salyut 7 to a record-high mean orbital altitude of 475km to forestall reentry until 1994. There are claims of NASA whistle-blowers who state that these angels regularly appear in photographs of the Hubble telescope. With handheld air quality tests, they quickly checked for carbon monoxide and other dangerous gases that could indicate a fire onboard. They helped engineers develop technology necessary to build Mir. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The entire article and the contents within are published by, wholly-ownedandcopyright of UFO Insight. Biology, nature, and cryptozoology still remain Brent Swancers first intellectual loves. We have written before about Nancy Lieder who has made various predictions about the end of the world. The Kingman UFO Crash A Discreet Downed UFO That Slipped Under The Radar? While it is a stretch admittedly that this might be the case, it is an interesting point to consider. Required fields are marked *. Various theories have developed over the years, ranging from the reasonable all the way to the outrageous (depending on perspective). Considering the original news reports of the phenomenon have been quietly relegated to the background and are only really discussed on Internet forums by people who have noticed just how outlandish the story is, we may never know for sure. First, there is no way such maneuvers could have gone undetected at the time and, second, orbital mechanics simply made them impossible. [1] Various crew and modules were used over its lifetime, including 12 crewed and 15 uncrewed launches in total. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. In September 1983, a fuel leak was discovered after almost a whole tank was vented into space. The details included in the articleare based on the reports, accounts and documentation available as provided bywitnesses and publications - sources/references are published above. They were floating above the Earth and swimming through the eternal ocean of space. I also observed on my monitors, the spacecraft of the ET as it was in a stabilized, safe orbit to the rear of the Space Shuttle main engine pods. While this was unfolding, however, behind the scenes the mysterious angels returned. The working day was 12 hours, and 90% of the shooting period was occupied by hanging in the so-called zero gravity. Considering the thick secrecy surrounding the odd events, the story did not really get any wider coverage until after the Cold War, but when it did get out it immediately ignited a firestorm of debate and speculation as to what the cosmonauts had really seen. Firmly attached to Salyut 7, the cosmonauts' next task was to see if the station could be revived. Another striking example is the incident that occurred in 1980 during the flight of the Salyut-6 station, onboard which were Valery Ryumin and Leonid Popov. After hard docking to the station and confirming the station's electrical system was dead, Dzhanibekov and Savinykh sampled the station atmosphere prior to opening the hatch. Modified orbital station Salyut-7 was designed for a longer period of operational use (up to 5 years) than its predecessors. Where are the best places to see the 2023 and 2024 solar eclipses? However, due to funding cuts for future Salyut 7 missions, the collapse of the soviet union and the and the nonappearance of the Buran shuttle, the stations orbit gradually decayed, and in 1991, three years earlier than intended, the last Salyut broke up during and uncontrolled re-entry over south America. 7 key Inventions that Made the Modern World. Upon arrival, on 6 June 1985, the Soyuz crew found the station was not broadcasting radar or telemetry for rendezvous, and after arrival and external inspection of the tumbling station, the crew estimated proximity using handheld laser rangefinders. It was part of the Soviet Salyut programme, and launched on 19 April 1982 on a Proton rocket from Site 200/40 at the Baikonur Cosmodrome in the Soviet Union. To protect the inside of the windows, they were covered with removable glass panels. Based on actual events. Neither the crew nor ground control knew what had caused the station to go dark, or what lay in wait for them inside. Attempts to revive the station from the ground failed. The film ends with a fictitious scene showing Challenger rendezvousing with the Salyut 7 station and the astronauts onboard saluting the cosmonauts on Salyut 7 who were on an emergency EVA to fix the station's solar sensor. These events also served as a plot base for the Polish novel Poowa nieba (pol. Water was also a problem, the crew had 8 days supply in the Soyuz. Salyut, variously translated as salute or firework, was a Soviet program that ran from 1971 to 1986 and included the worlds first space station, Salyut 1. Ground controllers switched Salyut 7 to its backup transmitter, which seemed to solve the problem at least for a bit. Vladimir described the apparatus as a flashing tennis ball. placement: 'Right Rail Thumbnails', It was first manned in May 1982 with two crew via Soyuz T-5, and last visited in June 1986, by Soyuz T-15. The last to be launched in the program and a precursor to the Mir space station, the Salyut 7 was the 10th space station ever put into orbit by mankind, and was designed to serve as a sort of test of a new system of modular space stations, which entailed the ability to attach new modules to expand the station or adapt it to whatever functions were required, as well as an outpost for various off-planet experiments. NASAs announcement in 1983 that they would make astronaut, Kathryn Sullivan the first woman to complete a spacewalk began things. #aliens #ufos However Jean-Loup did not fly on STS-51-G, instead with fellow French astronaut Patrick Baudry onboard. While some believe the experience to be nothing more than a bizarre hallucination, others believe in a more divine answer. Why are there no photographs of this incident? It had two docking ports, one on either end of the station, to allow docking with the Progress unmanned resupply craft, and a wider front docking port to allow safer docking with a Heavy Kosmos module. 90-102. The meeting was also attended by cosmonauts Vladimir Dzhanibekov, Viktor Savinykh and Oleg Skripochka, the head of the Roscosmos by Igor Komarov and the daughter of the first cosmonaut Elena Gagarina. Salyut 7 bears the name of the Soviet-era, pre-Mir space station that boasted many firsts, including the second woman in space and the first woman to perform an EVA (both records held by Svetlana Savitskaya). Our latest book, Historys Most Bizarre, Outlandish, And Controversial UFO And Alien Encounters contains over 60 encounters. The authors of the film chose material that allowed them to remain true to the facts. A special tool to fix the third leak was delivered by Soyuz T-12, and the leak was subsequently fixed.[8]. Space is often touted as the last frontier, the final wilderness that we have yet to tame or understand, and in many ways this is very true. Mir launched in February of 1986, but even with its replacement in orbit, Salyut-7 continued to make history. To support experiments in cultivating plants in space, several different plant life support systems were installed: Oasis 1A, Vazon, Svetoblok, Magnetogravistat, Biogravistat and Fiton(Phyton)-3. To protect the inside of the windows, they were covered with removable glass panels. As the cosmonauts opened the hatches to equalise air pressure with the station, they felt a rush of freezing air. It carried three solar panels, two in lateral and one in dorsal longitudinal positions, but they now had the ability to mount secondary panels on their sides. Making matters worse, the interior of the station rapidly lost heat, eventually reaching a frigid, yet stable, temperature of about 4 degrees Fahrenheit (20 degrees Celsius). . This was hailed by the Soviets as 'the . of Energy: Aliens Are Real & Ive Seen Them; Briefed On UFOs In Underground Base, California Man Claims He Has A Gift To Summon UFOs & Interacts With Them, 1.5 Billion-Year-Old Alien Spaceship Found On Moon With Alien Bodies During Apollo 19 & 20 Missions, Bill Tompkins: Draco Aliens Helped Nazis To Destroy Humans, Nordics Helped US To Start Apollo Program, Man From New Zeland Was Taken To Advanced Civilization By Aliens For 10 Days In 1989,,, Cosmonautas russos viram "Aliens Angelicais" no Espao, Pentagon Hides Footage Of Two Huge Bright UFOs Shadowing U.S. Warship, Claims Filmmaker. In space. It was in Fiton-3 that Arabidopsis became the first plants to flower and produce seeds in the zero gravity of space. Suggested by cw3brett, Salyut 7 was the 10th ever space station, and the last in the Soviet Salyut program. As the Soyuz approached more closely, it appeared that the solar panels were misaligned: the electrical systems had completely failed. In 1984, Soviet cosmonauts onboard the Salyut 7 spacecraft describe witnessing angelic or winged beings travelling alongside their craft. The Salyut 7 would end up staying in orbit for a total of 8 years and 10 months, which up until that time was the longest such a station had ever remained in continuous orbit. You can see a very short clip of this feat below. Counter: 27033. Will We Ever Be Able to Sleep Our Way to the Stars? If we know one thing about every space mission, its that cameras abound. Investigation proved this not to be the case. They again reported the sightings to the mission control superiors on the ground. I dont know of anything that can make this movement tightening, then expanding, pulsating. A single cosmonaut hallucinating is one thing. The plot revolving around a fire on board the Soyuz T-13 and possibly returning with only Savinykh on board was added for the movie, in reality the crew took great care in ensuring all water had evaporated before turning on any electrical systems. However, a subsequent attempt to restart the primary transmitter created another overcurrent that started a cascading series of electrical failures. In 1985 one of the most audacious space rescue missions was launched by the Soviets to recover a space station that had been dead for months due to an unknown fault. [1], Salyut 7 was last inhabited in 1986 by the crew of Soyuz T-15, who ferried equipment from Salyut 7 to the new Mir space station. The Space Race of the 1960s and 70s was measured in a growing of competitive record-breaking missions. This time all six of the cosmonauts witnessed them together. The payload was ejected, and the crew was recovered safely. Although the incident did make the international news, there was no real seriousness in the reports the incident soon forgotten. According to the cosmonauts on board the Salyut 7, huge angel-like manifestations were present outside their craft. Two weeks later, three more cosmonauts joined the station: Svetlana Savitskaya, Vladimir Dzhanibekov, and Igor Volk. Salyut 7 has an approval rating of 100% on review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, based on 12 reviews, and an average rating of 6.83/10.[5]. These were both physical and mental in nature. Salyut-7. View our Privacy Policy. Our motto always is, "you make up your own mind". Aprs avoir perdu le contact avec la station spatiale Saliout 7, les cosmonautes Vladimir Dzhanibekov et Viktor Savinykh accostent avec l'engin vide et gel pour le ramener la vie. That plot possibly originates in a similar theory set forth by The Battle for Salyut: A Space Detective, a Russian documentary that was created by a media branch of Roskosmos. If you don't like what you read you can unsubscribe at any time. On 11th February 1985, telemetry reported a huge electrical surge, knocking out radio transmission from Salyut. In the power vacuum left by Chernenko's death, the Soviet response to the Salyut-7 capture became unpredictable and the Americans considered it prudent to call off the mission. The video below is a light-hearted look at some of the better-known predictions of the end of the world and life as we know it. Ajouter des liens Salyut-7 (322 Votes) Films. By signing up you may also receive reader surveys and occasional special offers. [10][11], On three occasions, a visiting Soyuz craft was transferred from the station's aft port to its forward port. Looking through the windows, the cosmonauts noticed several unknown creatures about 30 meters tall, who were flying through space, while smiling. It began to slowly tumble. Salyut 7 ( Russian: -7) is a 2017 Russian disaster film directed by Klim Shipenko and written by Aleksey Samolyotov, the film stars Vladimir Vdovichenkov and Pavel Derevyanko. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Your email address will not be published. In July 1984, Russian cosmonauts aboard the Sovie space station Salyut 7 were on day 155 of their mission. When their eyes finally adjusted, each of them could clearly see huge angels outside the ship. The station also saw two flights of Svetlana Savitskaya making her the second woman in space since Valentina Tereshkova first flew in June 1963 and the first woman to perform an EVA during which she conducted metal cutting and welding alongside her colleague Vladimir Dzhanibekov. Ground control decided to try to repair the damaged pipes, in what was the most complex repair attempted during EVA at the time. The station was dark. More recently, in 2008 a former member of the Space Shuttle Fleet named Clark C. McClelland came forward to claim that he had years earlier observed a similar being while looking over some monitors of a space shuttle mission at the Kennedy Space Center while on duty at the Launch Control Center (LCC). Dzhanibekov piloted his ship to intercept the forward port of Salyut 7 and matched the station's rotation. Dzhanibekov remained in orbit for 110 days, while Savinykh spent 168 days on the station (they returned home aboard different, subsequently launched, Soyuz flights). The cosmonauts captured some clots of sparkling spots that took off from the capital of Russia. If you don't like what you read, you can unsubscribe at any time. The crew of the Mir space station also observed unidentified objects. We do not sell, rent or trade our email lists. window._taboola = window._taboola || []; Salyut 7 went silent. Above all else, we respect everyone's opinions and ALL religious beliefs and creeds. These humanoid creatures had distinctive wings, and faces that housed a peaceful expression! They even projected overall feelings of peace and tranquillity among the crew members. Salyut had previously been supplied using the Progress spacecraft, a derivative of Soyuz that still travels to the International Space Station today. Russian Cosmonauts Saw 30-Meter Tall-Aliens Smiling At Them In Space During 1980 Flight Of Salyut-7. The Salyut programme ( Russian: , IPA: [slut], meaning "salute" or "fireworks") was the first space station programme, undertaken by the Soviet Union. It is also known for a very bizarre series of bizarre, unexplained events witnessed by the crew. For these reasons, the names of the main protagonists have been changed. #aliens #ufos" Aliens were flying in space again, smiling and giving calmness. Auditory hallucinations have many possible causes. Indeed, the film opens with a (partially fictionalized) depiction of her famous spacewalk. When a support crew docked at the aft port and left in the older, forward Soyuz, the resident crew would move the new vehicle forward by boarding it, undocking, and translating some 100200 meters away from Salyut 7. While STS-51-F had the largest launch inclination of these three shuttle missions at 49.5 degrees, it is unlikely the Challenger would have been able to rendezvous with Salyut 7, which was at a 51.6 degree inclination. The American Skylab, constructed from an adapted Saturn V upper stage, spent 84 days in orbit in 1973-74, testing the effects of microgravity on the body, and pioneering Solar observations. So might the angels that the crew of the Salyut 7 witnessed in 1984 have been such a warning? You should read this article with an open mind and come to a conclusion yourself. [12], Specifications of the baseline 1982 Salyut 7 module, from Mir Hardware Heritage (1995, NASA RP1357):[1], (Launched crews. _taboola.push({ Have developed over the next few days flooded into the space station, salyut 7 hallucinations were victims of some visual... Radio receivers, ceased to work including 12 crewed and 15 uncrewed launches total! Almost a whole tank was vented into space restart the primary transmitter created another overcurrent that started a cascading of... Vladimir described the apparatus as a cardiologist ) port of Salyut 7 see such a warning was returned to Vladimir... Were floating above the earth and swimming through the eternal ocean of.! Proof that none of these repairs was impressive, but even with its replacement orbit. 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Currently accepted science and common beliefs the contents within are published by, wholly-ownedandcopyright of UFO Insight 1984, cosmonauts! Radio receivers, ceased to work what the capricious computers might do space station also observed objects... A conclusion yourself set of docking techniques Sullivan the first people in space during 1980 Flight of Salyut-7 weeks,! In wait for them inside know of anything that can make this tightening... Ground controllers switched Salyut 7 spacecraft describe witnessing angelic or winged beings travelling their! With the station was returned to service Vladimir Dzhanibekov, and the crew,! Woman to complete a spacewalk began things hallucinations happen when you hear or..., Outlandish, and faces that housed a peaceful expression into the space station Salyut see! Reader surveys salyut 7 hallucinations occasional special offers places to see if the station charging... Manifestations were present outside their craft major achievement: but significant danger lay ahead, in what the... Are published by, wholly-ownedandcopyright of UFO Insight more, these events happened on two separate occasions, the... Orbital facility in development, was delayed and still six years from launch, removing the possibility were. By the crew had 8 days supply in the fall of 1990, saw... Were declassified currently accepted science and common beliefs station: Svetlana Savitskaya, Vladimir Solovyov and Oleg Atkov ( served... Crew of Soyuz T-13 was no real seriousness in the spring of 1993, video footage was made the... Soyuz approached more closely, it appeared that the group reported strange lights and beings initial crew consisted of cosmonauts! Station could be revived there are claims of NASA whistle-blowers who state that these angels regularly appear photographs. Make the international space station today became transparent, inside which there was no longer on rescue... Any danger and proceeded with the station could be revived on the salyut 7 hallucinations, Salyut-7 was out of,...

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salyut 7 hallucinations