werewolf: the apocalypse tribe quiz

The very first Werewolf: The Apocalypse video game is available on PC, Mac and Linux. During the time of the rise of the prophet Muhammad, the Theurge Fire Walker received a vision which foretold Gaia's death by fire and smoke under a Red Star, while the Garou desperately put Metis into the world to defend a lost cause. These are werewolves that have given themselves over to the Wyrm. The Fianna are also hopeless romantics, falling for humans and Garou alike. For some reason, you can't seem to go back to sleep, though the full moon still sits in the sky, not quite faded by the light of the rising sun. The Tribes of Glory, who are the greatest warriors of the Nation, include the Get of Fenris, the Fianna, and the Wendigo, with the former White Howlers as the lost members. Strongly based on Celtic and European traditions, they are known among the Garou for their passions for the pleasure of life, their skills and ferocity in battle, and as keepers of the music, stories, and lore of the Garou. As the Fianna mourned the loss of their brothers and sisters, the White Howlers, one of their other tenuous allies turned against them. Disclaimer. Maybe hybrid? By Christian Hoffer The Fianna (both the Garou and their Kin) celebrate four major holidays or festivals every year. Are you human, witch or monster? You are often chosen for leadership positions due to your objectivity and ease with dealing with tough impartial decisions. Samhain is also known to the Fianna as the real feast of battle, for it is on this night that the tribe is most often called to fight. Shadow Lords are seen as cunning, deceptive and domineering judgments that are not far off the mark. Once, thetribes human blood was entirely Native American. WebQuiz introduction I have exactly one area of expertise and it's Werewolf: the Apocalypse. There are 13 official tribes within the Garou Nation and one legendary tribe the White Howlers. Nine out of. Werewolf: The Apocalypse Earthblood - Official Gameplay Overview Trailer Share Watch on How are Vampire: The Masquerade clans designed? Well share more with you here in upcoming blogs. A Garou is not bound to join the tribe of their ancestry; a cub, for example, may not meet the standards expected of a tribe and is therefore unacceptable as a member. In a game design sense, certain verbs define the tribes as an expectation of gameplay. Also known as May Day by many, with Spring becoming Summer, the passions of the Tribe are in full deluge. You know, when it comes down to it, Id rather be vice president. In Garou One World by Night Canon the Fey and the Fianna have a stronger relationship than even the Tribebook: Fianna describes, and so this practice is even more common. Take this quiz and find out if you would survive the werewolf apocalypse! Intense Curiosity: Willpower roll Difficulty 8 when called for by a ST. You were born human and raised by human parents. It simply happens, and the details of how are a tribal secret. Describe an occasion, such as the, Rite of Passage, that brings all of the characters together for a, reason strong enough for them to forge a more lasting bond. Lets see some blood! 3) Silent Striders. sterile and either deformed or insane (sometimes both). Only the Fianna, they tell, recall their origin accurately. WebA tribe is the "family" of a Garou, determining a werewolf's social ties, totem, and spiritual connections. Will you leave a comment and/or follow me?? Mainly because theres not much of a werewolf political arena. You are immediately taken aback by their grace, strength, and beauty. 14. Silent Strider Unlike Attributes, all Abilities start at zero dots. I feel that I am fiercely independent and sure of myself. You were just about to check on the sound when you hear a crash from your window. Exiled from their original homeland,the Silent Striders choose to livesolitary lives on the road, traveling constantly. Hell, sometimes they even invite the Fair Folk along for the Celebration only the friendly Seelie ones, of course and really, if you think the Fianna know how to throw a party, you should see it when the Satyrs get involved. more. Something all werewolves agree on is that the world is in a disastrous state. Follow him on Twitter at @robbricken. to perpetuate their kind and breed healthy (and fertile) offspring. You, may not assign more than three dots to any Ability, but you can. You don't, want undeveloped caricatures. This is accurate based off the research of a 17 year old nerdy fangirl. 13. Take this quiz and find out if you would survive the vampire apocalypse! However, most Wendigo agree that the Wyrm is a bigger threat than white people, and choose to focus on that for now. The list of tribes had two notable exclusions The Get of Fenris and Stargazers from past editions were both removed from the list of playable options. more. Besides the whole turning-into-a-wolf-or-a-man-or-a-wolf-man powers, many werewolves gain other mystical powers from accessing the spirit world, called the Umbra. James Gunn Reveals New Superman, Batman Movies and More, with a first look at the upcoming Fifth Edition of Werewolf: The Apocalypse, You can check out the full update to Werewolf: The Apocalypse's lore here, New Werewolf: The Apocalypse Edition Will Be "Re-imagining" and Not Continuation of Lore, Biggest Video Games Releasing in March 2023, Metroid Prime Remastered Developer Wants to Work on Remasters for the Rest of the Trilogy, PS5 Reportedly Topping Xbox Series X/S Sales by Nearly Double, Leaked Apex Legends Solos Game Mode Sounds Too Good to Be True, Steam Deck Adds Support for 2020's Most Divisive Game, Controversial Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves Owlbear Doric Figure Has Launched, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet DLC Leak Reveals Several Returning Pokemon. Once, thetribes human blood was entirely Native American. The Silent Striders are one of the tribes found in Werewolf: The Apocalypse. Test Your Games & Toys knowledgewith these Werewolf the Apocalypse Auspice Quiz Quizzes More Fun With SelectSmart: Cast your vote! They cannot even breed among their own kind. The Get of Fenris have long been a problematic faction within Werewolf: The Apocalypse, largely due to that Tribe's association with Naziism and fascism. Please note that the Fianna are pretty terrible, but are still only ranked #9 in this list. Galliard Paradox Interactive. If your character, is a charmer or a deceiver, Social Attributes make a good choice, How quickly can she think? The Silent Striders appear to have roots in Africa and the Middle East. Give the players time to, ask questions, and answer them as clearly as possible. If I give my word to someone, I will not break it for anything. Strawberry Fishsticks 1 10 You wake up one morning very early and look outside. In the old days, when much of the land was undeveloped and Caerns were still surrounded by vast areas of wilderness, Winters were hard for the Caerns and those that lived in them. From one of the Fir Bolg who repented and dedicated himself to the Morrigan, a house within the Fae folk was formed, until they left their home behind to protect their Kin. The concept should be unique. They are renowned as lusty for both battle and celebration. They go by different names for different individual practices, but this is how they are commonly known by the Tribe. Razor Claws, Resist Pain, Visage of Fenris. A treaty with the Silver Fangs ensured that no Fang would ever claim a Caern on Ireland, while the Fianna would in return accept the sovereignty of House Winter Snow in Britain. Im not sure why. WebWhat Werewolf: the Apocalypse tribe do you best fit in with? Would You Survive the Werewolf Apocalypse? Basically, Bone Gnawers are Glass Walkers with none of the skills, technology or benefits, and also all the other characters think youre bad at being a werewolf. This is the night where they can make their challenge freely. Werewolves are outsiders in a way that few, humans have ever experienced directly. tertiary) . WebTribes Overview - Werewolf The Apocalypse. I have a good knack for remembering good stories (like the time when my buddy shot milk out through his nose. Once you've decided on a concept, you must make three, choices to support that concept. Sutekh supposedly cast a great curse on the tribe that drove them from Egypt, scattered them to the winds, and worst of all, severed their bonds with their ancestors. poodles to a penchant for quoting favorite action movies. WebWhat Werewolf: the Apocalypse tribe do you best fit in with? I like getting in on the newest trends of society, for better or worse. 1. Strongly based on Celtic and European traditions, they are known among the Garou for their passions for the pleasure of life, their skills and ferocity in battle, and as keepers of the music, stories, and lore of the Garou. When Malcom "Wyrm-mocker" Sutton died, the Brotherhood stopped playing in Kinfolk politics. Yes, it's perfectly viable to play a former soldier with, Mental Attributes as primary (a genius tactician) or an artist with, Physical in the primary slot (a dancer, perhaps). One of two Native American tribes of werewolves, the Wendigo have a chip on their fuzzy shoulders about Europeans colonizing their way onto the continent and bringing the taint of the Wyrm along with them (this distrust actually extends to European-based werewolf tribes, as well). 4) Red Talons. Thats because theres not a lot of nuance to being a Black Spiral Dancer; you are evil as hell, and every other werewolf wants to murder you on sight. Aura of Confidence, Fatal Flaw, Seizing the Edge. The curse took one year to scatter the Silent Striders to the four corners of the earth, forcing them to abandon most of their caerns and making them homeless vagabond in the eyes of their peers. Nine months after the Beltane celebration, both Garou and Kinfolk give birth to new Generations of the Tribe. WebThe Silent Striders are one of the tribes found in Werewolf: The Apocalypse. WebWerewolves are outsiders in a way that few humans have ever experienced directly. This meant not only were they most powerful at the games primary play mode, they were also terrifyingly strongstrong enough to take on the many, many other werewolf-hating monsters that populate the game. what they are, and about the war that they were born to fight. Theres not much for Silver Fangs to do. Werewolf also describes the Stargazer Tribe as calm and introverted, with a penchant for astrologynone of which makes you a better or more interesting werewolf. Seriously, this is a race of werewolves who spend their time sifting through peoples trash for food and sleeping in the streets. (No, the family meatloaf recipe doesnt count.). The Fianna were once a fractured group of the smaller tribes or bands, following Stag but associated primarily with their own type of Celts (their Kinfolk). 24. Strawberry Fishsticks 1 10 You wake up one morning very early and look outside. When a Silent Strider finally chooses a home to call his own, he intends to die there. In their tribal homeland of Egypt, the Silent Striders were among the few tribes still on terms with some of the remaining Fera following the genocides of the War of Rage. You are physically impressive and athleticly inclined. Beltane is also the traditional time of year for Challenge for Righ of a Sept or for any other position within it. Each Silent Strider who passes his Rite of Passage adopts a "Name of Remembrance". The most powerful Silent Striders can do crazy stuff, like travel through mirrors, make themselves huge, and more, so they always make a unique contribution to any game of Werewolf. Predict Your ResultBlack Furies The Get of Fenris is likely the group that has abandoned the other tribes, with the Stargazers had withdrawn from the Garou Nation in past editions to align themselves with the Beast Courts. You like order and try your hardest to uphold rules and fairness. When it comes to dating, I have very picky tastes. Mobile Users: 1st Question What is your Games & Toys IQ? In recent decades,the Uktena have begun to breed with other races. WebQuiz introduction I have exactly one area of expertise and it's Werewolf: the Apocalypse. A prelude is a short session with the player to tell, the story of her character's life up through the present, including, family life, important events and the First Change. 18. With the coming of Imbolc, signs of life return to the world; both in the plants and animals of Mother Nature, and in the birthing of new Kin into the world. The world is on fire. Last month, White Wolf provided players with a first look at the upcoming Fifth Edition of Werewolf: The Apocalypse, which is set within the popular World of Darkness universe popularized by Vampire: The Masquerade. Silent Striders I was one of those kids who actually liked that family tree project in school. Renown is a double-edged sword, increasing a werewolfs ability to effect change, but painting a target upon them as someone able to bring about that change. More than any other White Wolf gamemore than almost any other RPG ever, really Werewolf: The Apocalypse is about combat. that a child born now will be mature in time for the final battle. Werewolf: The Apocalypse Heart of the Forest is out now. The bad news is that this has brought the Uktena in contact with the Wyrm a great deal, to the point where it seems to be infecting them. Then, explain, the character creation process step by step. The Wendigo are great fighters, but also have impressive stealth ability, which basically makes them werewolf ninjas. Nomadic, introspective, and highly spiritual, the Silent Striders have plumbed the depths of the Umbra, perhaps more deeply than any other tribe of Garou . Tribe is akin to the clans in Vampire, a social unit but also a way of looking at things and a call to action on handling them. This is accurate based off the eearch of a 17 year old nerdy fangirl. 22. WebWerewolf: The Apocalypse Earthblood is an action-RPG allowing you to infiltrate and tear apart an evil corporation, all while fluently transforming in between three forms: Homid (human), Lupus (wolf) and Crinos (werewolf). As you progress through the character-creation, or wants, but it gives you a starting point. The concept needs be, only a general idea of what your character is like. Priority selection determines how many additional dots you, may place in each category: Divide seven dots among your, Attributes and three dots among her tertiary Attributes. Find All The Role Playing Games Pages Here. WebWerewolves are outsiders in a way that few humans have ever experienced directly. What is the first thing you do? Art, from top to bottom: Matt Wagner, Steve Prescott, and Dan Brereton. Other stories tell that the original Fianna were part of a Wyrm-corrupted people called the Fir Bolg. They sing, they dance, they wander around and have a happy-go-lucky, deeply romantic attitude that, basically, doesnt match with the tone of the other werewolvesor even, really, the game itself. Carve your own path in the forest and make a decision will you rage? These Gaelic werewolves are, essentially, bards. You think this is the end, but to your surprise, he doesn't snap at you with his jaws. If I give my word to someone, I will not break it for anything. Then theres the other unfortunate news: The Uktena are the primitive mysticism-obsessed Native American tribe. At the turn of the 21st century, the Tribes said enough is enough, mostly because the leader of the Brotherhood of Herne's death. 5) Wendigo. Maybe hybrid? Now she spends her time looking out for the other, runaways, since no one else will." Theurge Because while all werewolves are basically hippy, nature-loving warriors for Gaea, who hate humans for our world-polluting ways, Glass Walkers are the exception. When America was colonized, many younger Striders followed them out of curiosity, establishing Kinfolk families and enjoying the unspoiled lands. Lazar of Stygia. However, the Striders have a taboo against taking the name of Set, Osiris, Sobek, Bastet, and Isis. Which Tribe are you 1 8 So this is just gonna bring ya up to speed on some of the terminologies, ok? The Silent Striders were faced with a serious drop in Kinfolk population during the Holocaust and when the surviving Jews managed to establish their own nation, opinions in the tribe over the incident as well as the rising Islamic tendencies in the Middle East and the growing power of radical groups began to diverge. For two werewolves to mate is to violate one of the oldest taboos among the Garou. 439 Dislike Share. When House Winter Snow lost its preeminence after disastrous defeats at the hand of Black Spiral Dancers, the Fianna returned to England and claimed multiple Caerns as their own. 15. Copyright 2023 ComicBook.com. The only creatures left who can do anything about it the only monsters with any capacity to act are her chosen champions, the Garou. I do the daily crossword puzzle each day, sometimes even those other weird puzzles. you will have instant access to your previous versions. more. White Wolf Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Similarly, the Silver Fangs are the nobility of the werewolf worldso why are they ranked so low? Trademarks belong to their respective owners. They havecharged themselves to guard theresting places of many powerful Banes, and some fear that this association taints the tribe. 23. What is the first thing you do? 2. 13. 4. Sometimes, the Taniaste of one sept is Righ of a smaller sept. An important part of Fianna culture is "Fostering". Once players have finished creating, their characters, spend the remainder of the session running, preludes for them. Contents 1 History 1.1 Early History 1.2 Dark Ages Strife with the natives led to bitter grudges, although the Silent Striders were among the more progressive tribes that actually tried to make amends to the Pure Ones. Which Tribe are you 1 8 So this is just gonna bring ya up to speed on some of the terminologies, ok? You believe dreams and visions can hold clues to the future. Interestingly, some of this lore was already hinted at in a 2021 Vampire: The Masquerade comic, which noted that "One of the tribes has abandoned the others entirely, so convinced are they of the truth of their cause and the inaction of the other werewolves. WebTribes Overview - Werewolf The Apocalypse. The Get of Fenris have long been a problematic faction within Werewolf: The Apocalypse, largely due to that Tribe's association with Naziism and fascism. Seers and shamans, theyspeak to spirits andunderstand their ways. 1. My country is the best in the world. First, give the players each a character sheet and give them a, minute to look it over and ask questions about them. In W:tA, werewolves' roles in their packs and society are determined by what moon phase they are born under. In the era of Apocalypse, tribes represent a way to do something, to take urgent action. This is accurate based off the research of a 17 year old nerdy fangirl. Would You Survive the Werewolf Apocalypse? More often than not, a Strider in a group is found in a pack composed of many tribes. You can keep up withour full tabletop game coverage here,and subscribe to The Character Sheet, ComicBook.com's new YouTube channel covering all tabletop RPG news. WebQuiz introduction I have exactly one area of expertise and it's Werewolf: the Apocalypse. 1) Get of Fenris. In simplest terms, a tribe is any number of werewolves who are pledged to a patron spirit. Shadow Lords 3 In addition, the Wendigo and Uktena tribes were renamed to the Galestalkers and the Ghost Council, likely with the intent of better respecting the Indigenous cultures from which those tribes drew their inspiration. First of them are the Pariah Tribes, who are different from the other Tribes and include the Bone Gnawers, Red Talons, and Glass Walkers, along with the lost Bunyip. Tribes and Renown are just two of the perspectives Garou bring to bear, with their animistic outlook on the world and its state. Get of Fenris In recent decades,the Uktena have begun to breed with other races. A Garou with low Renown may have difficulty convincing a spirit to lend them its Gifts; a Garou with high Renown may be courted by packs seeking bold action against the tragedies of a world in Apocalypse or may find themselves undermined by bitter rivals who resent young upstarts challenging their own legends. You are also not limited in, how many dots you may assign to any one Attribute (in the, preceding case, you could apply all three dots in your Physical, at one dot and Dexterity at four). Control Simple Machine, Diagnostics, Trick Shot. Contents 1 History 1.1 Early History 1.2 Dark Ages Much like vampires and their clans, these werewolves were divided into tribes, each with its own powers, goals, and issues. For some reason, people seem to distrust me a lot. upgrade now As the iconic Vampire: The. Slowly, the woman walks behind you. Fianna Ascendant campaigns can view previous versions of their pages, see what has changed (and who did it), and even restore old versions. You are a very spiritual and mystical person. The upcoming new edition ofWerewolf: The Apocalypse will be a "re-imagining" of the game and not a continuation from past versions. The Silent Striders believe that originally the Triat was in a state they refer to as Ma'at, balanced and in accordance with Gaia's will. These Fianna were known for the close ties to the Fae, and fought against the legions of the Fomorians (which they identified with some sort of Wyrm-beast), as well as a rising threat of Fomori (which the Fianna named in honor of their ancient nemeses) in what is known as the Fomori Wars. The game was the second to integrate the fictional universe in a game system (the Storyteller System ) which had been introduced in the Vampire: The Masquerade line, released earlier in the year. 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werewolf: the apocalypse tribe quiz