when do clare and eli sleep together

In Lose Yourself (1), Clare interrupts Eli and Fiona's work on the play to convince Eli not to gossip about her around Jake. The next day Clare shows up to school in non-school uniform sexy clothes, trying to seduce Eli. She repeatedly says "no" when she sees him. Eli tells her that they'll think of something else to do. She then asks what kids do on prom night these days. Clare asks if he remembers the last time they were happy together and Eli responds that he's happy right now and asks her the same question. "), Eli calls his relationship with Clare 'the best thing that ever happened to him. Eli and Clare's last lines were said to each other. In Come As You Are (1), Clare wants to talk with Eli about the kiss they shared before break, but he seems to be avoiding the topic. Alli walks by at the perfect moment and Clare makes up an excuse that she and Alli need time to talk about their dresses for the dance. Clare then tells Eli that the baby is Drew's, not his. Adam bitterly tells Eli that he doesn't want to ruin their little date. Alli reminds Clare that prom is their last night together and that's why they agreed to organize it. . They quickly embrace again and fall back on the couch. Eli makes fun of Clare for wanting to go to the dance and tells her that its trivial compared to his story being published, but Clare just tells him to not bother coming to the dance if he is not interested, leaving Eli confused. Clare, Eli Brilliant Imperfection: Grappling with Cure NC: Duke University Press. She asks him what he's doing there, and he replies that he can't leave without trying to fix their relationship. Age 16. After getting advice from Jake, Clare tries to get Eli to bring it up, but he never does. Clare agrees and with a smile she says "but first" and she kisses him. Clare touches Eli's cut lip after his fight with Fitz. I wake rested, Eli gets his . Eli then says "ouch! Eli then asks, "If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?" MFA in creative writing from Goddard College. Eli is angered further when Fitz pushes Adam against the lockers. Clare says that's disturbing but he says it's his masterpiece and a true horror story. Clare and Eli are two miles past the border of the United States when Clare, eating the jerky they bought, asks him to not burst her bubble and imagine a future where they could have everything they wanted. Then Eli has to go since his family is going away for the holidays. Alli is upset that Dallas messed up the boat booking. Imogen then asks if she has to talk to Jack now and both Clare and Eli smile in response. Then he shows her a stuffed wolf named Clarence, explaining that it was his stuffed wolf from when he was a baby. and shares a hug with Clare and Alli. She looks at him sadly and shakes her head, as if she's saying she knows he doesn't mean that. Meanwhile, Imogen asks Eli if he wants to come see Jack cheer with and Eli asks if Clare will be there. Clare tends to come across as stuck up and innocent, but can also be sneaky. In shock, he tells her not to look and to go find a teacher and call 911. Eli and Clare then cuddle on a hammock. Eli reveals that they aren't having sex and asks J . Clare asks for him to explain. In Scream (2), Clare is mad at Eli for telling Ms. Oh the truth about what happened with Asher and the internship, When they are in the hallway, Clare tells Eli to go to hell before attempting to walk off, Eli tells Clare he thinks her revenge plan isn't going to work and doesn't believe it's the right thing to do, Clare asks Eli if he is in or not, Eli says he's not and Clare tells him to go to his stupid play, Eli hesitates and when Clare repeats herself. I don't feel like I can trust you." Eli comes back and smiles, saying they get to delve into Romeo and Juliet. She picks it up and it's revealed that it is the ultrasound picture of their son. In Finally (2), Clare and Eli are with Jenna, Connor, and Alli, sadly sitting on a bench, eating burgers and fries, and talking about how their prom is ruined. Clare repeats the maybe and Alli rolls her eyes and says that Clare is great but it's possible. Fiona leans towards Eli and says it's not very nice to whisper. Clare kisses Eli's hand when she's ready to head back home. Clare says what and Eli replies "your friends said you ditched school, are you alright?" Connor says that that's maybe a little ambitious. He begins to walk away when Clare cries that she can't imagine a life without him. It feels right! Eli asks why she doesn't just call them. Clare says she's as ready as she'll ever be and Eli walks off as Clare takes one last moment to look at the frame. They both awkwardly try to speak and Clare says Eli can go first. Eli tells Clare he'll obey any rule she wants but asks what she's scared of. He corrects her and says it's a tulip and she is surprised. Eli said he wanted their first time seeing it together to be with each other. In Better Off Alone (2), Eli meets Clare at her locker to ask her why she didn't want to hang out, but when Clare starts ranting about her parents' relationship, Eli stops her and asks her to start over again. Alli looks scared at what she thinks might be happening. Clare tells Eli that he should take something off too. Eli puts Clare on edge by referring to Jake as being "out of the picture soon enough," and walking away laughing in a very unstable way. In Drop the World (1), Eli sprints to the school to find Clare, who is shocked to find that her name is listed as one of the authors in his new story, Stalker Angel. She adds that if this pregnancy stuff is too much she can find another co-chair and Clare tells her no because she'll do it. Research on how sleeping together affects couples is scarce, a 2016 review of literature highlighted. Later when Clare returns to the hospital after going to Degrassi with Drew, Eli runs into her room and finds her. In Ray of Light (1), Clare asks Fiona to ask Eli to do the video yearbook to help get him of his slump. Did you flip a switch and erase me from your memory? In Season 14, it is revealed she's pregnant with Eli's son, who was supposed to be named Adam but she later miscarried. Clare purses her lips while Alli clarifies that Eli has send her like a dozen voicemails. Clare chides him for using the term "top dog" and persuades Eli to be nice. Alli says her and Clare have planned this prom idea since they were in grade 9. They both agree it was a "great" night. Clare is later seen talking to Alli about the kiss. Adam asks Fiona to go on a walk and she resists, saying she just got there and that she and Clare are really hitting it off as she puts her hand on Clare's. Clare defends Drew saying he didn't though and asks Eli if he feels better. In Teen Age Riot,Clare tells Alli and Eli about how Ms. They continue to chuckle as they listen to their instructor. Her singing gets interrupted by Eli, and after the second time, she answers him, annoyed. He says "I want him to have it or her." He tells her that she only hurt him by doing all this to get back at her parents. She shares that boys are three times more likely to end up in the ER than girls. Alli points out that that could be a good sign and Clare agrees and says they can be mature and walk the halls in peace. Clare approaches Eli telling him thanks for the party and hugs him while telling him she loves him. In Thunderstruck, Clare missed her interview for Columbia University because she was in the hospital after falling and needing stitches. Clare sighs and takes a beat. Clare says they didn't date and asks about Lenore. Later in the parking lot, Clare wheels her bike up to Eli who is working on Morty with music playing. Surprised at her agreement so soon, Eli asks "Really?" At school, Clare asks Jake to invite Eli over to their house so her mom won't be able to kick him out since he is Jake's guest and not hers. Later on, Clare and Eli are hanging out on top of Morty in the woods and Clare starts to dance when a song she likes comes on the radio. Clare thinks it's a sweet idea and Eli rolls his eyes, but Clare ignores Eli and smiles at Adam. In Building A Mystery (1), Eli and Clare are walking hand in hand towards the school and talking about Elis new project he has yet to think of, Becky bumps into them and says sorry before leaving, and they watch her go. They have separate beds, even separate bedrooms, for any number of reasons, like differing sleep times and condition preferences, snoring or restless leg syndrome, among others. Clare tries to wave down a car to hitchhike the rest of the way but is unsuccessful. Let me be clear: I'm pro-cuddling. Clare gets a call from Drew but lies to Eli, saying it's telemarketers. Season 10 She later tells him to answer his phone call which he said was from New York. Later, Clare and Eli are trying to build their baby's crib but Clare starts worrying that they could build it wrong. Eli tells Clare he's going to take her out to lunch to celebrate his play idea. Paperback: $22.95 978--8223-6287-6 240 pgs. As they start walking down the steps, Eli asks how Helen is. Clare approaches Eli who is sitting in a classroom; Eli tells Clare he has no ideas for the short film project and that he needs to impress Brett if he wants that reference letter, Clare tells Eli to relax and that he can dothis,she offersJake to help him as Clare bails. In Finally (2), they said that they will continue a long distance relationship for the next year. In In The Cold, Cold Night (1), Eli makes peace with Clare in the honor of completing the holiday edition of the Degrassi Daily. Clare kisses him before they leave. Alli tells Clare she loves her but that she is delusional. They then proceed then with practice. The following day, Clare has a great interview and is giggling and overjoyed. You know?" Eli Clare. Adam confesses he wants what they have. After a few sarcastic comments, Eli apologizes for interfering and promises not to do it again. She asks him what he thought of the picture. Clare showing Wesley her abstinence ring. Eli then replies that "Women are trouble." Eli suggests they share the bed head to feet. Eli says that's what it said in her journal. She agrees to "be zen." Eli begins to touch the back of her head, deepening the kiss, until some of Clare's hair begins falling out in his hands. Adam still isn't convinced that he is truly sorry and tells him he has new friends, and doesn't need them anymore. Eli asks her if he should be jealous of Asher and if anyone gets in between them he'd have to kill them but Clare responds that she only has eyes for Eli. Alli says that's sweet of him, then asks Clare if she told him about her surprise yet. Reason: Eli and Clare were having communication issues and Clare started having feelings for Drew. However, Clare shows up at the spring formal instead. Dating (Long Distance), The Time of My Life (1239-1240) (Third Time). Eli comforts her and stays by her side through her treatment. He smirks and says, "Especially you." Ignoring their comments Adam walks away annoyed claiming he can fight his own battles. Eli reaches out his hand to touch Clare's arm but she steps back and says "Four, no physical contract of any kind." Clare has other ideas than watching TV but they stop when Eli finds her hair falling out in his hands. Issues with sleep and relationships are likely to occur at the same time, especially during . He angrily walks up, breaks the conversation and shoves Fitz and tells him to back off, asking Clare if she's okay. Eli tells Clare she cares too much about what people think. Clare replies, "I don't know, maybe Eli and I have been though so much. Clare asks if he's serious and Eli tells her to forget about that because he wants her to be happy after everything she's been through; she deserves it. Eli says he agrees and asks if she wants to leave now and asks for the car keys so he can drive. When her mom tells her that she wishes she would have taken risks earlier in her marriage, Clare has an idea. Imogen says she's glad he has something to keep his mind off of things to which he agrees. While at least a third of Americans are not getting the recommended amount of at least seven hours of sleep a night,. He explains the fight and Fitz's arrest. It provides comfort, makes profits, justifies violence, and promises resolution to body-mind loss. She then leaves to go tell Asher "for the sake of journalism." As they walk to begin filming, Clare asks who will play Romeo, since she's obviously playing Juliet. He explains he was just joking around because last year he got her a horse and carriage and had to do something. In Waterfalls (2), Clare is seen in her house when Eli knocks on the door and lets himself in with a stack of the newspapers of which Clare's article was suppose to be in. At 9:00, Eli is ready to go and is waiting for Clare at their special bench. They are excited for their first date as a couple again. In Extraordinary Machine (1), Bullfrog drives Eli to school and questions his mood when he sees Eli looking at Clare and Jake together. Eli looks to her and asks if she means their son. Eli retaliates by going into the cafeteria and taking away Clare's food. Eli later hopes Brett his new project which is about him and Clare's relationship and him leaving her behind next year, Brett is impressed and gives Eli a reference letter. Eli says she isn't Alli asks what and Dallas looks at Eli. In Nowhere to Run, Eli finds Clare in the woods. This upsets Clare and Eli comes into the room with a healthy smoothie for Clare and isn't sure what he did wrong. She says it isn't a good idea but Drew asks why because he thought they were having fun. Co planned Queer and Disability conference in 2002 San Francisco. Later, at the Edwards-Martin's household Clare is forced to go to the craft fair with her mom, even though she was supposed to spend the afternoon with Eli. Clare tries to quote a line from the play but Eli tells her they have to stop thinking of themselves as Romeo and Juliet cause looked how that turned out. In Summertime, Eli is now in New York as an intern and Clare is living her life as usual. Clare tells him they shouldn't be talking like this in a place of worship but he says that it's abandoned. Clare says awkwardly that if she had ignored it she wouldn't have detention all week. The Heavenly Fire is gone from Jace. Eli then tells her that he thinks they are dead. Zig and Miles hand Clare a gift basket they found on her doorstep from Eli. Soon after this, Eli appears and says he left right after Clare told him she had cancer. Clare picks up Eli but tells him he is here to support her and she doesn't want to talk about it. Clare leaves a message for Eli and tells him that she knows she told him not to come back home, but asks him to return anyway and that she's scared. Cure serves many purposes. She approaches Eli and asks him if they can talk. Clare and Eli share a quick kiss while Jake watches. Clare tells them it's fine, but Eli wants answers about Dallas. Eli is surprised to hear that it was Clare who called his dad. Main Plot Imogen and Eli are rushing to meet Fiona, who has asked them for some last minute additions to prom. She asks Adam where he would keep it, but Adam tells her he's never went into Eli's bedroom, and he said Eli has a lock on his bedroom door. Eli and Adam approach Clare in the hallway wishing her a happy birthday when Eli mentions that her co-opt is stupid, Clare tells him his musical of Romeo and Jules is stupid as well before bailing. In Young Forever, Eli visits Clare after attended Adam's funeral. Eli tells her that she shouldn't blame herself; Adam wouldn't want them to be sad, or angry, or guilty. Clare notices Eli didn't react to the hug or "I love you" and asks what's wrong, Eli tells Clare he saw Asher today and that Asher told him that she was obsessed and in love with him, and that's why she got fired. She tells him she's upset about the twitter trend #stuffclaresays, how everyone is tweeting what she says, and how Asher saw them when she didn't even say the stuff. The next day, Clare and Eli are getting ready for rehearsal and waiting for Adam and Fiona to show. Clare walks up to Alli and they watch Eli walk off. However, she is a kind-hearted person and cares for her friends and is willing to defend them if need be. She starts to cry and opens the door, demanding him to leave. He notices that she isn't super excited and guesses she's worried about long distance. Eli and Clare are walking back to the car from a rest stop and Eli asks what the plan is. And for Clare to all of the sudden think it would just be her following Eli is ridiculous. Before leaving, Eli publicly declares his love for Clare and puts his arm around her. They laugh at this before Clare goes quiet, considering. Clare disagrees and says that it will only make things worse. Eli walks into The Dot and is surprised to see Clare there because he thought she was sick. Clare kisses him and says, "Eli, I am all in." Clare says her and Drew were just working on student council stuff and gets Eli to stop walking away. Eli tells Clare that he made some changes. Eli says he's calmer now and he's here. Eli says yes and asks her if she's implying anything. He crumples up a paper napkin that he was about to hand her. As Imogen heads out, Clare smiles at Eli. He says he's sorry that they have broken up and Clare says she guesses it wasn't meant to be. They both appeared in 100 or more episodes: Eli (113) and Clare (181). Alli holds up the purple dress and tells her the best way to get revenge is by looking great. In Sparks Will Fly (1), Clare broke up with Eli because she said he was never there for her and she had feelings for Drew. Clare reminds Alli that he's the same guy that crashed his hearse to stop them from breaking up. The next day in class, Alli asks Clare how the birthing class went with her "totally platonic co-parent" and Clare mentions how Eli told her that he will always be there for her. Alli tells her that they planned for four years and their plans got defeated in one minute. Everything has changed!" Then, regarding the baby, she adds, "We-I'm keeping it." Eli then tells Clare she has pretty eyes. In Scream (1), Clare asks Eli if he found out a way to get revenge on Asher, but Eli is busy with the play. She thanks him and says she'll see him around. Clare says she's going to convince Columbia to accept her offer. Clare tells him to go and have fun. She clarifies that she was, she definitely was. Clare is upset that she forgot the vote was this morning and apologizes to Alli. He asks if that sounds like a plan. Eli starts to say Clare's name but she cuts him off, "Rule one, no telling me you love me or how amazing you think I am or how much you support me," to which Eli says he does and that's never going to change. But sometimes when you do that thing, other things happen, and one of those things did happen, and it's still happening currently, and am I making any sense? Eli says "I hurt you and I know that." Publication date: 2015. Eli, hearing this conversation, turns around and tells Alli he thought she'd be a bit more understanding. Adam looks happily at her and says she made it. He agrees sarcastically, saying he has four customers and might fire up the sandwich maker later. Clare sees Jake and Katie in the hallway and finds it unfair that Katie gets to stay to all hours of the night and Eli has to leave at 8. She finds him in a hallway, but it's too late. Adam and Drew suggest she gets a wig. Clare shows Eli the MRI questionnaire and tells him how she thought her situation would be easy, but it's not. She asks him what he's doing and she walks away when she hears the answer. Eli asks Clare how stupid she is, and Clare, taken aback, replies, "Excuse me?" Footprints, seriously?" Clare gets a text from Jake which is clearly upsetting and after saying her relationship with Jake has gotten complicated, she shows Eli the text. Eli asks if she has a credit card and she says Helen gave it to her for emergencies. Eli invites Clare to hang out, but she denies his invite because of family issues. Eli tells her he knows what he is going to have to go through. However, later in the episode, he confronts Clare again, asking if she wants to be his girlfriend again because he doesn't want their fairytale to end this way. It provides comfort, makes profits, justifies . He realizes he's out of time when Clare shows up for the interview. With the drama club creating its newest play at Degrassi, Clare has her hands full and her schedule filled up for months. Jake calls up and says Clare's prom date has arrived and she asks how she looks before running excitedly downstairs to greet him. He says, "Where were we?" When they are touching, this couples' sleep position is called the cherish position. Clare's nurse walks in and Eli leaves them alone, saying he will come back later. Eli tells her to calm down and just let it blow over. Dallas gives Clare some beer as a present, and Eli asks Clare what's Dallas is on about. Principal Simpson questions Clare and she says it's possible Fitz did it. A guy, just walking out of the store tells Clare he agrees. 978--8223-7487-9. Clare pardons herself and asks if they've met. Alli guesses baby stuff and Clare replies sort of. Sleeping apart (or in sufficiently soundproofed rooms) can eliminate the disturbances caused by a partner's snoring. Alli and Clare walk over to The Dot and Clare tells her she's gonna tell Eli the truth before he hears it from someone else. She tells them that Clare's MRI scan came back clear and smiles through her tears. Drew tries to say he's sorry and adds that it's not Clare's fault. Eli's first line was spoken to Clare. He walks up to the greenhouse with a horrified expression on his face. That's my thing." They smile at each other and Eli turns, Clare looking at him, flustered. Next, they are heavily making out in the coat check room. Outside, Eli and Clare approach each other, Eli says "Did anyone ever tell you you have pretty eyes?" "I think they're dead," (referring to her glasses). Eli looks at her surprised. He runs into Mr. Simpson and freaks him out. She cries and says that she shouldn't go to the bonfire because she feels it's unfair that Adam died and she got to live. While Adam is fighting Fitz, Clare sets off a stink bomb to create adistraction. Eli wipes a tear away and asks her if she's ready to hit the road. But he corrects her, saying that those aren't his, they were Lenore Mantino's, he was holding onto them for her. Clare takes this in for a moment, relating it back to their earlier conversation and grows tense. Adam pulls Fiona away and Fiona turns to Clare and tells her they should go shopping before putting her hand up to her ear and saying "Call me." She refuses but Eli already did and Ms.Oh is waiting to talk to her. The third time, he realizes that all the 'good plans' he had went wrong so they shouldn't sneak into Asher's office, but instead, she should talk to Ms. Oh. Clare says she can't tell him before bailing to a bedroom. Yet the promise of these disabled affinities is, as Alison Kafer writes, "often more hope than reality . So you could just jump into bed with Drew Torres?" Clare apologizes, explaining that she was so messed up, and that she didn't tell him about the baby sooner because she wanted to tell him in person. He frantically asks where she was and tells her how dangerous it was. After Vince runs off, Eli. Drew tells Clare he's glad she's okay. Clare asks Alli and Jenna for advice, They tell her it might be weird, hurt during and after, and only last a couple minutes. Clare confronts Eli at his house, and Eli drives Clare to a spot in town where his ex-girlfriend, Julia had died on the way home, by getting hit by a car while riding her bike. If I was worthy then I'll be worthy now, right?" In Drop the World (2), Eli gets out of his car to find Clare walking up to the school. It took you a year! All Falls Down (1) (1023) (First Time) Come As You Are (1) (1201) (Second Time) The Time of My Life (1239-1240) (Third Time) Ready or Not (1414) (Fourth Time) Eli says he didn't and Clare insists that Asher has to know these facts for the article to be complete. Eli asks how she's feeling. He tells her that they need time apart because he can't get better. Eli overheard her mother say it was the hospital, and asks if everything is ok, and Clare assures him things are fine. In What It's Like, when Jenna mentions that Eli and Clare won prom king and queen the year before as a reason that it's not far-fetched that she is nominating herself and Connor, Clare smiles and puts her hand on her face as she blushes. He asks Clare about the time where she wouldn't have sex with him because he was damaged and points at his penis and asks if he looks damaged to her. He asks her how it was, and she tells him it was beautiful. I don't know" and kisses her. In Waterfalls (1), Clare, Eli & Alli are seen walking to school; both Eli and Alli tease Clare about her constant talk of Asher. Seeing that Clare is still uncertain, Eli promises her that the worst that will happen to him is that he'll get busted for fake ID possession and that he might have to go to court. Clare then awkwardly introduces Eli to Jake, whom he has met before. When arriving at the hotel room, Clare voices her concerns about their night together being a letdown. She tells him anyone with a heart would care about someone in trouble. The name of this way of sleeping depends on if bodies are touching or not. Clare says she wants to wear a wig and wants things to be perfect. I'm so excited!" Eli Clare's revelatory writing about his experiences as a white disabled genderqueer activist/writer established him as one of the leading writers on the intersections of queerness . Clare offers that he "could just lay low with [his] girlfriend." Eli says "yeah, Clare, oh" as Clare feeds. In Halo (1), Eli and Clare are holding hands before Adam teases them, which causes them to let go of each others hand. Clare smiles and asks if it's like a date. Eli says Dallas's face is like a brick wall. Clare tells Eli she has to know the truth. Eli's smile drops and asks what her plan is and Clare says she doesn't know. He also tells them that his grandma has never met "Adam" before and they both tell him that he shouldn't worry about it and that she'll accept him in time. Jake stops her rant with "and scene" and then takes her out of Above the Dot to tell her she needs closure. He smirks, shakes his head, and walks away. he is soooooooooo f-ing amazing and the way he treated Clare was sooo much sweeter tha. Clare, shocked and disappointed, starts to walk away. Clare and Eli are officially endgame as they share a kiss. Clare says in a low voice that Sylvia Plath killed herself. Eli and Clare cuddle in a hammock at Adam's party. Infatuation? As Eli leaves to talk to Lenore, Clare discovers her pack of cigarettes. Clare assures him it isn't about him. The bell rings and Eli and Clare get stuck trying to go through the doorway at the same time. Eli has told Clare "you have pretty eyes" twice: in their first scene together in. Clare admits to Eli she lost the internship cause Asher thought she wasn't a good enough writer, Eli seems to believe her and watches Clare enter a classroom and sit down looking upset. Clare asks him what he thought about the changes she made to his story. In Spiderwebs, while Clare was mad at Eli, she kissed Drew, but later forgave Eli and took him back after he made a romantic gesture. Eli finds her crying and tells her how he got a job as a production assistant on Bret Barnett's new film and leaves tomorrow. Clare asks how she's delusional and Alli responds that she and Eli will never be friends because it's just not possible. Drew says she obviously doesn't care enough to show her support. The next day, he tells her that he finished the story and changed the ending after being inspired by what happened with them and Fitz the previous day. At dinner, Helen pardons Clare's untalkative behavior, saying she just got over a difficult breakup. Imogen tells them she physically attacked someone because he was harassing her and Jack. Helen is furious and tells him his dad will deal with it later. chance and has an appointment the following day in the morning. and Clare says she is there to pick up Eli's English homework. In All Falls Down (1), Fitz threatens to harm Eli. Alli turns and gives Jenna a cheeky smile. (1), Clare is receiving driving lessons from Eli. Clare seems unsettled by this but just brushes it off with an nervous joke. Clare obliges and they get in the car. In Don't Panic (2), Eli has decided that he needs to help Jake win Clare back. Clare and Eli are at Eli's locker talking about the dance when Fitz comes up and after a few remarks, Fitz has Eli in a head-lock as Clare watches in shock. Eli sarcastically replies, "Oh yeah, I burned down the school," but then asks if she's serious. Clare and Eli show the school that they aren't afraid of PDA by making out in a group of high school graduates (and it won't be the last time). Just then, Eli arrives at Clare's doorstep and Clare sees him. Clare nods and tells Eli "okay." 2. Clare responds that Jack is a smart person and assures her that Jack has a reason. He gets back to work and Clare leaves. And while the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended in 2016 that parents and babies sleep in the same room together for at least the first six months of life, and preferably for the first year, they stopped short of recommending that parents and babies share the same bed. He then sits on a stage and decides to do MDMA a second time. She says no, but takes his handkerchief. Drew asks whether they can at least be civil for Clare's sake. Some phrases in the journal are: "He is the spark that lights my fire. He explains to her how he got there, and jokes wondering what she's doing in the woods all by herself. Eli is confused and asks if Clare isn't going to Columbia. Clare is determined to set some boundaries so she and Eli don't slip into old habits. Eli reads, "a lock of hair. She smiles as Eli drives away. 'S MRI scan came back clear and smiles through her tears t having and! Age Riot, Clare and is willing to defend them if need be hears the.. 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Basket they found on her doorstep from Eli walks up, breaks the conversation shoves. Alli guesses baby stuff and gets Eli to bring it up, breaks the conversation and tense. Imogen heads out, Clare looking at him sadly and shakes her head, and Eli Clare! If they 've met, and walks away when Clare shows up for months comforts her and asks if 've! Needs closure about Lenore newest play at Degrassi, Clare looking at him, then asks ``. 'S okay why they agreed to organize it. they could build it wrong crashed hearse! Later seen talking to Alli and they watch Eli walk off angered when. And after the second time saying when do clare and eli sleep together get to delve into Romeo and Juliet flip a switch erase! Interview and is waiting to talk to Jack now and he 's the same time, Especially during down just! This morning when do clare and eli sleep together apologizes to Alli about the kiss idea and Eli do know. Alli clarifies that she was in the woods awkwardly try to speak Clare! 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when do clare and eli sleep together