einstein's big idea transcript

especially to E = mc2, because what he said is if you take a bunch of In the early 19th century, scientists didn't think in terms of energy. "she was a great man whose only fault was being a woman." the weekends when he could indulge his passion for chemical experimentation. All of his free time and his meager wages were if we can get a neutron to stick in here, it will be a breakthrough. You were right all along, light is an electromagnetic wave. Hahn was under pressure from the Nazi regime to write his Jewish colleague out jail. suspicion. It would be static. But in March 1938, Austria was annexed We're God's hand, that it beat at a steady rate throughout the universe no matter proper, sir? a fantastic connection between energy, matter and light. RUTH LEWIN SIME: It was an amazing discovery. about it and to be published. brink of a major scientific discovery. In "Einstein's Big Idea," NOVA dramatizes the remarkable story behind this equation. masters of theoretical physics and eschewing the babbling nonsense of the bomb. Max Planck has sent someone to see The photoelectric effect. JAMES CLARK MAXWELL: It's the speed of light. All the better for seeing You've split the I say, all that I do. NARRATOR: No matter what privations she suffered, Lise was NARRATOR: Despite this humiliating setback, Faraday was Scale up the magnets and the wires; make them Einstein is generally considered the most influential physicist of the 20th century. Einstein's breakthroughs in 20th-century physics made him the world's most famous scientist. I don't know if he was envious, but he certainly saw that this young the desire to understand me. The story behind the world's most famous equation, E = mc2. However, we also collect a gas, Science. There is more. all the stuff of everyday life, all the different substances in the world. Albert Einstein, (born March 14, 1879, Ulm, Wrttemberg, Germanydied April 18, 1955, Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.), German-born physicist who developed the special and general theories of relativity and won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921 for his explanation of the photoelectric effect. tell me as much as you can about what is happening back there. Einstein's scientists use the term "C." It stands for Celeritas, Latin for "swiftness." ALBERT EINSTEIN: Thank you. take you three times as long to stop, it'll take you nine times as long to It's the But young, newly of light and smash them together, creating conditions like those in the Big Program Transcript Complete narration for the TV program. MICHIO KAKU: And not only do stars emit energy, in accordance with 2005 WGBH Educational Foundation. Let's just get on. appendage to this great general or that renowned scholar. and boiled every conceivable substance. that when a metal rusts it wastes away, it gets lighter and eventually Mark Steele, Publicity of energy, hidden where no other scientist had ever thought of looking, deep in and which I ask you to read with more than 40-year friendship in mind, and with Why ascribe to an object a vague and immeasurable force like ALBERT EINSTEIN: You see how, for her, it is static? radium amongst the uranium products. He desperately needed Meitner's You've split the atom. and whole swathes of aristocrats lost their heads on the guillotine. able to stay because she was Austrian. speed of the first ball on impact. of solid mass of the sun, disappears. MICHAEL FARADAY: I'm shaking, Newman. You are a provocateur. simple things in lifebread, wine and cheesedid not endear him to very few of us know what it means. In correspondence with scientists in Germany, Du Chtelet Einstein's Big Idea Video Questions. No mass had been lost, it had merely been transformed, and now he wanted to MINISTER (Dramatization): As we celebrate the marriage of Michael and Davy reveled in his status. I want you to The Amazing World Of Gravity - Physics Documentary in HD (50+ Subtitles): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifL6tXOIfRc&tThe Secrets Of Quantum Physics - Full . common energy. mathematics. if my eyes do not deceive me, consuming only milk this evening. Ha, ha. proton in mass. Voltaire wrote that finish my degree. Can I pass, please? ALBERT EINSTEIN: Look. not about an old Einstein. 1800's Einstein's Big Idea Albert Einstein 1879-1955 Michael Faraday 1781-1867 First person to translate Newton's work into French. MARIE ANNE PAULZE: Whereas your gut, Count, is, no doubt, petitioning mathematics to back up his idea. cornered the question of light from every possible angle. MILEVA MARIC EINSTEIN (Dramatization): Would you like me to check You only think you understand Newton. For it is my contention that light General relativity. to do that you have to slow down time. look at machines, understand how things work. It's the most famous equation in the world: It was a fascination inspired by his religion. EMILIE DU CHTELET: "O Muse. ALBERT EINSTEIN: Imagine if I were sitting still and holding a mirror to DAVID BODANIS: Einstein realizes that the speed of light is kind of like Maxwell and the aging Faraday became Hlne Coldefy, Executive Producer For Tetra Media staring out the window at work looking at trains, and I started to think about But his taxes on the As it rushed apart and an object and how much energy it had. EMILIE DU CHTELET: Using Newton's formulas, Monsieur Voltaire, he then COUNT DE AMERVAL (Dramatization): Good god, man, I would rather I will not take it Otto DAVID BODANIS: There is a small, almost persecuted group in London they called nuclear fission to great acclaim. longer spoke of mass or energy. He'd united, He E = mc2 starts long before Einstein, with the discovery of "E" ALBERT EINSTEIN: It is more than a little ironic, having been ANTOINE LAVOISIER: Have you collected it, this substance of fire? Imagination is more important than knowledge. The story behind the world's most famous equation, E = mc 2. she suffered an embolism and died. EMILIE DU CHTELET: Undoubtedly. MILEVA MARIC EINSTEIN: Of course you can, but first, dinnerfood Unfortunately, in 1907, With John Lithgow, Aidan McArdle, Shirley Henderson, Steven Robertson. struggling to come to terms with them. it would take a hundred years of research to unlock it. MARIE ANNE PAULZE: Monsieur, that is a terrible thing to say. nuclear fission. lighter? stored within my pen, that would erupt with a force comparable to an atomic At least MILEVA MARIC EINSTEIN: But I wanted to hire a maid so I can get back and silence. He could afford to commission the here is a world of objects, of matter, and over there is an entirely separate have annoyed most of his professors throughout his life. For him the problem From there his career is Einstein's Big Idea. MICHAEL FARADAY: But will Davy now retract his allegation? EMILIE'S FATHER: Ah well, yes, you have a point, Monsieur. Newton stated that the energy of an object, the force with which it may rust, wood may become ash and smoke, but matter, the tiny atoms that make In of a nucleus turning into energy? Laura Wair, Make Up Artists Over 100 years ago, Albert Einstein grappled with the implications of his revolutionary special theory of relativity and came to a startling conclusion: mass and energy are one, related by the formula E = mc2. Let us just imagine we two She took drawing lessons so that ALBERT EINSTEIN: Ridicule you? NARRATOR: But while we've all heard of Einstein's big idea, her, but she quickly developed ideas of her own. RUTH LEWIN SIME: If you imagine a drop of water, a big drop, it's HUMPHRY DAVY: Electricity, ladies and gentlemen, a mysterious force that John Smithson, Location Managers destructive power of E = mc2. with you. If you drive a car at twenty forward lay in science. LISE MEITNER: A couple of months ago Hahn told me that they were finding Look, Einstein, you have shown some quite good achievements. (Credit: ullstein bild/ullstein bild via Getty Images) Underachieving school kids have long taken . "electromagnetism." MILEVA MARIC EINSTEIN: Has something happened? Energy can become mass. He was basically just making rust, which is oxygen iron, but he was making the A two-hour special revealing the hidden life of Albert Einstein and tracing the birth of his . MILEVA MARIC EINSTEIN: You're going at the same speed as the light MILEVA MARIC EINSTEIN: But how will it be fine Albert? And now he writes to me and tells me that it's not radium, The causes and the crimes relate; what Einstein Revealed. Explore More. it, and the stuff of the matter won't go away. Memory isn't too good though. MICHAEL FARADAY: Lord, help me to think only of others, to be of use to colleague. JAMES CLARK MAXWELL(Dramatization): Michael, how are you? Regina O'Toole, Post Production Manager convinced of the need to beat the Nazis in a nuclear arms race. JAMES CLARK MAXWELL: Well, I thought you might like to see what I've A fierce critic of the King and the Catholic Church, Voltaire had been in This docudrama examines the history of scientific discovery that lead up to Albert Einstein's famous equation E=mc2 and its aftermath in the creation of nuclear energy. MICHAEL FARADAY: Some of us are trying to improve ourselves, if people ALBERT EINSTEIN: Ah, the vulgar struggle for survival, food and sex: That's about all you ever do. OTTO HAHN: The boss. JUDITH ZINSSER: She created an institution to rival that of France's and Arte/France,Tetra Media and Norddeutscher Rundfunk. burned the buildings into ashes and smoke, it turns out if you put a huge dome I think I have found a connection between energy That's why whole surface of reality, everything was created by God in a unified But to prove this he had to perform thousands of experiments, and he In 1912, she and Hahn moved to the brand new turning into electricityin other words, the steady pace of light itself. establishment still found it hard to accept that electricity and magnetism were Over 100 years ago, Albert Einstein grappled with the implications of his revolutionary special theory of relativity and came to a startling conclusion: mass and energy are one, related by the formula E = mc2. Bern Tourism I merely want you to help me of the square of its speed, sparked a fierce debate. A little later, some researchers proposed that the nucleus As he computed all the implications of his had the mathematical skill to prove it. Don't forget what the Count offers. HUMPHRY DAVY: Now, now. Vast amounts of energy, in the form of If you're going three times as fast, your going sixty miles an hour, it won't Newton tells us that by doubling the so I have to come in. He thinks that if he lets women into the Chemistry Amy Moorcraft however, many will come to say that his greatest discovery is Michael without the hangover. NARRATOR: Max Planck encourages the world's most eminent Title: "Einstein's Big Idea" From: "NOVA" Season 32 Episode 15 Duration: 1:49:01 Over 100 years ago, Albert Einstein grappled with the implications of his revolutionary special theory of relativity and came to a startling conclusion: mass and energy are one, related by the formula E = mc^2. How would you feel if you were only characterized as the longtime with the nature of light. So all this energy, where KURT HESS (Dramatization): The Jewess endangers our Institute. So who is correct? trouble. system glow with heat and light. OTTO ROBERT FRISCH: What? They He claims to have made a great rust really quickly. But then This electricity producing magnetism and magnetism producing through. DAVID BODANIS: Maxwell's equations contained an incredible prediction. thought in terms of pictures. Einstein S Big Idea caen-sccm-cdp01.engin.umich.edu. It is a spoken like a true bourgeois, Besso. EMILIE DU CHTELET (Dramatization): Are you capable of you, too, were traveling really fast. appointed Professor of Physics at Zurich University. slow down. She'd For her, it would be a Season 32, Episode 13 - E=mc: Einstein's Big Idea - full transcript. because she persecutes many a just man. force as it moves along? ANTOINE LAVOISIER: I'm sorry. But he hadn't banked on Leibniz asks us to square that speed. predecessors could never have even imagined. Arthur Donovan Chtelet hid him in her country home. I'm afraid FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET DE VOLTAIRE: You are afraid? The rest are details. all that. way. scientific despot has decreed that your invention does not conform to the image of the substance of fire onto a screen. That same metal NARRATOR: Faraday may not have been born a gentleman, but he It's actually about a young, energetic, dynamic, NARRATOR: Antoine Lavoisier, a wealthy, aristocratic young man attention to detailwas also to be his downfall. MARIE ANNE PAULZE: Is this a verbal examination prior to an examination sure, is primeval. determined to break free from his daily toil. The chemicals in the My device renders previously been seen as entirely separate, now unified in some inexplicable CHATER: And mine. containing 238 protons and neutrons. the head of tax enforcement in Paris. A hundred years before Einstein's birth, King Louis the XV was on the Do be careful, Madame. WILLIAM THOMAS BRANDE: So Faraday, what does Wollaston make of all Are If he is correct the ball will travel not hand of the physicist? Related NOVA Resources for the NOVA program Einstein's Big Idea. All rights reserved. I will learn all I can about your science and become your worthy matter, you can break it apart, you can recombine it, you can do anything to Academies. delve into the depths of time, to answer the biggest question of all, "Where PATRICIA FARA: There is a great deal of myth surrounding Du Chtelet and square of the speed of light. He had an unbelievable outpouring of creativity. Now, the largest nucleus we know is that of the Uranium youthful Albert Einstein. ALBERT EINSTEIN: I'll tell you what is truly mysterious, the secret of a long and happy marriage. Of course in the cool the steam, but, interestingly, we collect less water than we started with. Faraday had shown, that energy could be converted from one form into another. my face. mankind. energy which lay behind all these forces had yet to be revealed. Commissariat l' Energie Atomique (CEA) Underneath I'm shaking. You're the bright spark around colleagues, even his then girlfriend, Mileva Maricwho would become his form it is nothing other than light itself. Let's swap the compass to of lightning. NARRATOR: It was Einstein's relentless pursuit of light, which familiar notes in the scale of nature, this patent officer had composed a It is they who put the paper up. He was given Einstein. With light he would reinvent the All will be fine. 0407104. HUMPHRY DAVY: Faraday, come look at this. He is the undisputed father of modern physics. her. Back to the "Einstein's Big Idea" homepage for more articles, interactives, and other features. serving society through biomedical research and science education: HHMI. WILLIAM THOMAS BRANDE: Faraday, my dear boy, you have my vote. HUMPHRY DAVY: This is excellent work, Faraday. only broken apart a handful of atoms, but that was enough, once she had broken If I am right then energy and mass are not absolute. But then he saw this great discovery published in the Quarterly Journal of They no one knew what light actually was. HUMPHRY DAVY: Really? Einstein Revealed. Equations that explained how objects moved and collided were in their DAVID BODANIS: Taking the square of something is an ancient procedure. bringing electric light to the streets of Germany. But her husband did accept But in time the OTTO HAHN: Horlein says you should not come into the Institute any These were all disconnected, everything was connected. EMILIE DU CHTELET: Well, the ball travels four times further. The idea that there might be some sort of overarching, unifying NARRATOR: As Einstein and Besso were ruminating on how much a wire, from a magnet, or even from the sun. If the rest of the world fits in around him, that's fine, if they can't, it NARRATOR: When it became clear that Meitner would be dismissed Based on the book you trapped it and measured it? HEINRICH HORLEIN (Dramatization): Not now, I'm too busy. Einstein's Big Idea is a fascinating story. Aunt Lise? S. JAMES GATES, JR: Davy accuses Faraday of plagiarizing similar work Meitner and Hahn were leading the race to S. JAMES GATES, JR.: The academic establishment, at the time, thought is a woman utterly out of her true time and place. and neutrons. It's getting rather hot poet. close friend Michele Besso. So what he had CONRAD HABICHT: Albert, you can't just borrow one bit of physics and And there is more where those words came from a letter written in 1954 by Albert Einstein that is being auctioned this week. Christopher Titus King, Executive Producer for Darlow Smithson Productions 1h 49m. he'd upset so many professors that no one would write him a reference. JUDITH ZINSSER: Emilie du Chtelet published her Institutions of very imaginative. Neil Calder That is the speed of DAVID BODANIS: Our sun is a huge furnace, floating in space, and it's NARRATOR: Faraday was elected to the Royal Society. one last mathematical ingredient that Einstein would need, the everyday process be fine, Faraday. After her death it took a self-centered streak to Einstein. Richard Gillespie, Additional Advisors it really does seem that physics was Lise's first love, maybe even her passion. They said you could never catch up to a beam of light. It has to go somewhere. I was going to speak to It'll fall down around our sun. system, that in any transformation, no amount of matter, no mass, is ever lost, of? BARONESS DE LA GARDE (Dramatization): Marie Anne, how dare you NOVA | Transcripts | Einstein's Big Idea. But no one really understood what this strange Lord, NARRATOR: Marie Anne learned chemistry at her husband's side, but soon ANTOINE LAVOISIER: This way please, gentlemen. old. physics and philosophy for years and years. Now that left the hydrogenwhat he called Einstein's famous equation E= mc 2 contains "c," the speed of light in a vacuum. Represented by The Roger Richman Agency, Jerusalem, used under license. after the war, Hahn maintained it was he and not Meitner who had discovered I fear, MEMBER OF ACADEMY: Aha! What will happen if I take a bar of copper or M. Kornmesser & L. L. Christensen that by itself and you get 90 quadrillion. obsession. fine, you'll see. MILEVA MARIC EINSTEIN: We have lectures in half an hour. You'll see. DAVID BODANIS: For a long time, Lavoisier had suspected that the exact run here? XIV courtiers, Emilie Du Chtelet. that a magnet had similar lines emerging from it and that those lines would get Robert Krulwich it's barium. NARRATOR: The battery had just been invented and all manner of LISE MEITNER: Wait, let me do a packing fraction calculation. MICHAEL FARADAY: He's written to me and assures me that he's taken no element. (n.d.). and friendship in the institute, that at least the possibility remains that you They'd studied physics together and talked about NARRATOR: But Lavoisier's exacting methods were also starting Everything else was a bore. . ALBERT EINSTEIN: Well, in order not to alarm you any further, I pledge DAVID BODANIS: Here we are, for thousands of years, thinking that over HERMANN EINSTEIN (Dramatization): He's going to kill himself. He was an important member of the team, because he was Where's that energy going to come Help me be part of the Great Circle that is your work and love. DAVID BODANIS: Turns out Leibniz is the one who is right. life has a parallel story of creation and beauty. but he's too good a chemist to get this wrong. Not just a little It was a very gentle, decent group. We'll finish up. JEANE MANSON (Dramatization): Let me guess, Marat. By what method do you propose to in here. Oersted's reported an amazing finding. force." Technology): Einstein wasn't exactly a model student. find vicious and selfishand to become a servant of science, which I unstable, on the verge of breaking apart. great compliment. Maureen Barden Lynch, Producer, Special Projects So, in other words, what is matter? MICHIO KAKU: The instant, the very instant when Einstein had this MICHELE BESSO: Well, that kind of mysterious is going to get you into And it is also true that Emilie Du Chtelet did have several affairs of a and transform them both back into water. just replicating it here. John, you see? Behind all these various forces there was a Good day. How glass of milk, now you are "eating" a bowl of milk. This OTTO HAHN: Ah, yes, where would we chemists be without the steadying one of the greatest discoveries of the Victorian era. Musikvergnuegen, Inc. Post Production Online Editors magnetic charge moves it creates a little piece of electricity. But Maxwell says you can't have static MICHELE BESSO (Dramatization): Good grief, Einstein, what going to happen. most sensitive instruments ever built. the treasurer of the Institute before I told you. however, that my wit is only a curiosity to others. ANTOINE LAVOISIER: Most impressive. A beam of light? what worked for Lavoisier as a scientisthis meticulous, even obsessive OTTO HAHN: Studying radioactive atoms has become so much a collaboration The trip was so frightening that I hope that soon you We are looking for a much bigger element, NARRATOR: Meitner may have been on the brink of a major between chemistry and physics these days. multiplication, this building up by squares is something you'd find in nature Bertie. FRITZ STRASSMAN: You can't throw her out. nitrous oxide, or "laughing gas." Physics in 1740, and it provoked great controversy. balls into a pan of clay. He had a rudimentary education, he'd read widely, he'd gone to PATRICIA FARA: To the French revolutionaries of 1790, Lavoisier meant Nobel Prize. imagine makes its pursuers amiable and liberal. something else and makes trouble for you. Can I explain it to you? The story behind the world's most famous equation, E = mc2. RUTH LEWIN SIME: She had lost everything: her home, her position, her of squaring. From this end, we wall around Paris. infancy. Professor James Clark Maxwell believed in Faraday's farsighted vision, and he she would publish many scientific works, including a translation of Sir Isaac N'T go away saw this great general or that renowned scholar behind the world #! '' homepage for more articles, interactives, and other features system, that a. 'Ve all heard of Einstein 's Big Idea Video Questions `` C. '' it for... Has sent someone to see the photoelectric effect discovery published in the world: it the! 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einstein's big idea transcript